Anyang City, the first local government to win the Excellence Award at the Gyeonggi Province Active Administration Competition for its ‘Electric Vehicle Charging Safety Management System’!

by times news cr

Anyang city The first local government to win the Excellence Award at the Gyeonggi-do Active Administration Competition for its ‘Electric Vehicle Charging Safety Management System.’

Anyang City announced on the 29th that the electric vehicle charging space safety management system built through collaboration between four organizations won the Excellence Award in the public institution category at the ‘2024 Gyeonggi Province Active Administration Best Practice Competition.’

Accordingly, Anyang City has won the Gyeonggi Province Active Administration Best Practice Competition for three consecutive years from 2022 to this year.

Anyang City, Anyang Urban Development Corporation, Sogang University, and E2ON Co., Ltd., four organizations established a collaborative system and installed a safety management system for electric vehicle charging spaces in the Pyeongchon Underground Parking Lot in November of last year.

The electric vehicle charging space safety management system is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based system that can prevent fires at electric vehicle charging stations by applying the special features of thermal imaging cameras and general cameras.

It measures temperature changes using thermal imaging analysis and human detection models, and provides an evacuation alarm when dangerous temperatures are detected in or around the vehicle.

In addition, the optimal ignition prediction standard for each battery location in electric vehicles is being applied to maximize the fire prevention effect.

Conventional cameras detect objects and unusual behavior (such as smoking) around charging stations, and a license plate recognition system identifies long-term parked vehicles and prevents fires caused by overcharging and overdischarging.

Anyang City is the first local government in the country to install such a system, and this year, 44 additional spaces are being built in 11 parking lots within the city.

Anyang City and Anyang Urban Development Corporation provided the data collection environment and demonstration sites for public and contracted construction projects, and Sogang University was in charge of designing the deployment plan for thermal imaging cameras at electric vehicle charging stations and modeling and analyzing the performance of fire detection based on object recognition. E2ON Co., Ltd. built learning data, developed object and abnormal behavior detection models, and applied the system to demonstrations.

In particular, we plan to manage safety more thoroughly by linking it with Anyang Urban Development Corporation’s public parking lot integrated parking control platform project, and expand this system to various safety accident prevention areas in the future.

As citizens’ anxiety grows due to the recent series of electric vehicle fires, the city expects that this safety management system will be of great help in preventing electric vehicle fires.

Anyang Mayor Choi Ma-ho said, “The establishment of a safety management system for electric vehicle charging stations is a result of proactive administrative efforts in collaboration between the public, private, and academic sectors,” and added, “We will continue to listen to voices from the field and continue to innovate to change the world with creative thinking.”

Meanwhile, the city is continuing its status as a leading city in regulatory innovation and proactive administration, including winning the presidential citation for being ranked first among basic local governments in the local regulatory innovation performance evaluation last year, winning the local regulatory innovation best practice competition for five consecutive years (2019-2023), and being selected as an excellent proactive administration organization for four consecutive years.

Queen Choi Ha Na Reporter Photo Anyang City


2024-08-31 05:23:14

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