Anyone can beat anyone at murmuring

by time news

Second home: The club members have set up the indoor hall themselves.
Image: Lando Hass

What used to be fun for children is now practiced with great seriousness in the 1st Södeler Klickerverein 05: shooting marbles. Talented beginners also have a chance on the course against veterans of the sport.

Zto training they appear in full regalia. Shirt, jeans, optionally also sweatpants and slippers. In gray felt slippers, comfortable rubber shoes or simply in socks. As soon as you enter the training area in the basement of the Södel gymnasium, looking at the numerous slippers that are stowed under the wooden benches to the left and right of the entrance, it becomes clear: nobody wants to harden their bodies here in a sweaty manner.

It’s about marbles. For skill. And about who has the right tactics in the end. With three small glass balls each, the members of the 1st Södeler Klickerverein compete against each other one-on-one in very short games to maneuver the marbles into the depression in the middle of the fields. And if you remember the games from your own childhood, you are not wrong at all. Except that at that time it was more about getting the most beautiful balls from your fellow players as cleverly as possible. But in Södel, a district of Wölfersheim, the right strategy is decisive.

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