Apartment to get to know: a 75 square meter loft in Tel Aviv that dreams of being a Zimmer in the Galilee

by time news

Who: Shir Levy, 32
where: Abulafia Street
seniority: Six months
Meterage: 75 square meters

The magical loft in Florentin’s garage area used to be a carpentry shop. About a decade ago, it underwent a comprehensive renovation by the owner of the house who was an artist, who turned it into a residential apartment full of character. Half a year ago she entered the apartment as a tenant Shir Levy, an interior designer by profession, and brought with her a colorful and unique style.

A carpentry shop once operated here. Shir Levy’s apartment. Photography: Noam Ron

A wide and happy spice mode.  Photography: Noam Ron

A wide and happy spice mode. Photography: Noam Ron

“I saw this apartment on Facebook of someone I know after months of searching, and even though its price was way above my budget – I realized there was no way I was going to give it up. It’s my favorite area in the city and I’ve always dreamed of a loft apartment like this: a spacious and happy space located between All the garages, factories, galleries and craft spaces. A quiet spot in the midst of all the chaos that was designed like a B&B in the north. It was impossible not to fall in love.”

“Creating an atmosphere is the essence of the profession for me. This is what I do in the large scale of the spaces I design, in my private home, and also in every meal or drink I host. The lighting, the music, the temperature and the colors around are the ones that change the experience, so everyone should be the most accurate as possible. Because this space contains many opportunities for creating different experiences, I felt it had to be mine.”

the food table

“My favorite corner of the house is the dining area. It is located in the center of the space and you can see the whole house from it, which creates a sense of space. It has a precise and pleasant light that brings me to drink my coffee in it every morning. I assembled it from a mix of chairs that I bought at a “pick-up” store In different colors and textures, which give a unique vintage look. The lower floor of the store is full of reality. All the excesses are concentrated there that are suitable exactly for the situation in which you want to collect, and the purchase turns out to be much more profitable.”

Coffee in the sun every morning.  The dining table and chairs of various types.  Photo: Noam Ron

Coffee in the sun every morning. The dining table and chairs of various types. Photo: Noam Ron

Mix and match.  The dining table seen from above.  Photography: Noam Ron

Mix and match. The dining table seen from above. Photography: Noam Ron

the kitchen

“Through the kitchen, you can tell quite easily at work that Italy has a big place in my heart. I did a student exchange in Rome and since then I’ve been going back there at every possible opportunity. On the shelves there are Italian wines, vinegar that I bring especially from there, lots of dishes and pantry products. But the thing I adopted in Italy It’s the coffee. I have a Mackinta that is in daily use and special coffee beans from an amazing roastery in Rome.”

The beans from Rome are already on the fire.  The Macintosh.  Photography: Noam Ron

The beans from Rome are already on the fire. The Macintosh. Photography: Noam Ron

Italy has a warm place in my heart.  Photography: Noam Ron

Italy has a warm place in my heart. Photography: Noam Ron

the living room

“I brought the couch and the armchair from my parents’ house in the north. Our neighbor just threw them away one of the weekends I came to visit, so of course I didn’t let him do that and took them home. I renovated and reupholstered both of them and they’ve been with me for several years. The TV bench , which was originally intended for the balcony in my previous apartment, I built with my father for a specific niche, and it fit perfectly here as well.”

The couch and armchair that the parents' neighbor almost threw away.  Photography: Noam Ron

The couch and armchair that the parents’ neighbor almost threw away. Photography: Noam Ron

A space that contains opportunities to create different experiences.  Photography: Noam Ron

A space that contains opportunities to create different experiences. Photography: Noam Ron

the art

“I created most of the pieces of art in the house myself, mainly in all kinds of exercises as part of the studies. In the living room hangs a picture in green that I painted as part of an exercise in disassembling and assembling an image. It has a unique section because of the division into pixels, and I really liked the result. I photographed the roses in my parents’ garden and although That it looks professional was completely shot on an iPhone 12. All the shelves are scattered with dishes that I made from ceramics over the years. I’ve already run out of space in the kitchen cabinets, so they are also used for decoration.”

Disassembly and assembly exercise.  A creation of Shir Levy.  Photography: Noam Ron

Disassembly and assembly exercise. A creation of Shir Levy. Photography: Noam Ron

The ceramic dishes no longer have a place in the cupboards.  The kitchen window.  Photography: Noam Ron

The ceramic dishes no longer have a place in the cupboards. The kitchen window. Photography: Noam Ron

The entrance corner

“I also built the bench at the entrance with my father, originally for my balcony in the previous apartment. My father was also an interior designer by profession. Over the years, he took a completely different direction, but the approach to design and the love for handwork always remained. Above the bench hangs a stunning work that he drew with a rapidograph pen , which had been hanging in our parents’ living room for years. I found it in a warehouse not long ago and quickly took it for myself.”

The bench built together with dad.  The entrance corner.  Photography: Noam Ron

The bench built together with dad. The entrance corner. Photography: Noam Ron


“There is no door in the apartment that separates the bedroom from the common space, but there is a corridor that creates privacy and where the bathroom is also located – behind a door specially designed by the owner of the house. The shower is in the bedroom space. Yes, just like in B&Bs in general. One step separates the bed from the bathroom area And it’s a genius plan in my opinion. It’s perfect.”

The shower in the bedroom.  Photography: Noam Ron

The shower in the bedroom. Photography: Noam Ron

Who needs a door?  The corridor that separates the central space from the bedroom.  Photography: Noam Ron

Who needs a door? The corridor that separates the central space from the bedroom. Photography: Noam Ron

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