“Apparently, I am not worthy of it”: Gims still not French

by time news

2023-05-31 12:03:00

Born in Congo, the rapper returned to his obstacle course with the authorities to obtain French nationality.

Par Marc Fourny

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Gims still hopes to become French but the road may still be long… Asked about this on the show What an era!Saturday May 27 on France 2, the singer admitted to having made two unsuccessful attempts. “I applied for citizenship twice and apparently I’m not worthy of it,” the rapper clarified.

“I passed all the tests to become French. You have to know how to say: “that’s an oven; that’s a fork; that’s a spoon; that’s a car“, I passed all the tests with 10/10…” But despite these results, he was unable to win the precious sesame, acknowledging, in passing, that the situation was “complicated”. “I’m overwhelmed myself, it’s a complex subject. »

The French-speaking rapper, who has sold more than 3 million records, has always felt French. “When I arrive in a country, they say to me: ‘Where are you from? I am French”, he said, in 2018, on Europe 1. Came to France at the age of 2, he experienced precariousness, placement in a foster family. He lived in squats before breaking into music with the group Sexion d’Assault and successfully pursuing a solo career.

“I feel French, I express myself in French, I am an ambassador of the French language in the world, he noted on the antenna of Europe 1. I think it’s longer for someone like me , known, that we watch all the more…”

“I didn’t want to hurt people”

The artist had taken his first steps in 2013, but the procedure had not been successful: according to The Parisian, the French authorities had rejected the request due to non-payment of fines for traffic offenses and the establishment of part of his interests and his business in Morocco, where he resides part of the year. Since then, Gims, who says his record is clean, made a second request in 2018, asking for a boost from Brigitte Macron, if we are to believe the daily news. But in vain.

In fact, his release, in January 2022, on New Year’s greetings probably did not help his case. The singer, of Muslim faith, had called “his brothers” not to wish him a happy new year but to focus on their values. A few days later, the Minister of the Interior hinted that this controversy was going to complicate his new application for nationality.

READ ALSOConspiracy: Gims persists and signs “We have already refused nationality to this gentleman,” said Gérald Darmanin on France Inter. There is a very simple article of the Civil Code 21-24 which says that no one can be naturalized if he does not justify his assimilation to the French community. In general, being a supporter of a rigorous Islam is not good proof of assimilation into the French community. »

Following this skid, Gims had made his mea culpa, saying that he totally regretted his message. “I didn’t want to hurt people. Faith is intimate he confided afterwards to the Sunday newspaper, in January 2022. It in no way changes my relationship with my audience, animist, Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim…” And to conclude: “I will apply for nationality again. I am a very patient person, not one to give up…”

#Apparently #worthy #Gims #French

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