Apple ahead of a huge move: “will change the market”

by time news

Apple (unsplash photo)

The world’s largest technology company is expected to launch, or at least present, early next year its augmented and virtual reality glasses, claims Mingchi Chi Ko, one of the world’s top analysts and the man who correctly predicted almost every Apple move in the past decade. And surprisingly, he does not even publish this forecast in secret to technology companies only, but in a post on the Medium website (a blogging platform originally intended to serve as a sort of ancillary service to Twitter that allows micro-blogging to be shared on the network).

Koo writes on Apple’s virtual reality glasses that “they are likely to be announced in January 2023.” This is after conflicting rumors have been circulating in recent months about planned announcement and launch dates ranging from Apple’s developer event at the beginning of this month to the end of next year, along with the iPhone 15.

He adds that “Apple is (a factor) that will change the game in the eyewear industry”, and that “Apple’s augmented or mixed (glasses) reality, which will support the ability to see through them (ie the real world), can also offer a great peripheral experience. The launch of augmented / mixed reality glasses will further accelerate the demand for gaming entertainment; peripheral multimedia. ” This is in addition to his forecast that all existing companies in the field – including Meta’s Oculus (formerly Facebook); Sony with PS VR glasses for the PlayStation console; Microsoft augmented reality glasses; Valve, which operates the Steam game store and is currently working on its own glasses (in addition to the option to play games from Steam on any glasses that connect to a computer); And Asian manufacturers Chinese Pico and Taiwanese HTC.

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However, Kou points out that the change in the game will be twofold: on the one hand, Apple’s entry into the field will accelerate sales of the glasses and the amount of games that will be developed for such glasses; But on the other hand, this could create friction between it and its suppliers against which it will now compete in the field, such as Sony, which supplies the photo sensors to Apple devices.

At the same time, Kav estimates that despite the cuts Meta is making these days in its eyewear development division, its sales, as well as those of all competitors, will go up in the coming year. Thus, for example, he believes that sales of Chinese Pico glasses will reach between one million and one and a half million units this year, and that in the second half of the current year all the companies will be sold together in one and a half million units.

“Once Apple launches a augmented / mixed reality helmet, I think Apple’s global competitors will compete in its imitation, which will lead the helmet hardware industry to the next stage of rapid growth and benefit the services and content environment,” he concludes, noting the shares of all involved companies In the development of helmets, both in the development of games and in the mediation and sale of these items, in the next two to three years.

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