Apple is preparing for the official announcement of virtual reality glasses? Registered rights to RealityOS

by time news

Several months ago, various reports began to appear on the Internet that Apple was developing a dedicated operating system for its virtual reality glasses, under the name RealityOS. Now it seems that this is almost a fait accompli, as all indications are that Apple has registered the rights to the brand name, and is preparing to use it in the near future.

In fact, the name RealityOS appears in the listings as belonging to a company called Realiityo Systems, which ostensibly deals in the field of wearable computing. A brief study, however, reveals that a company by that name does not really exist anywhere. It is estimated that this is a type of straw company founded by Apple in order to preserve its rights to the brand without having to officially admit that it develops products in the field of virtual reality.

Another thick hint is that the official address of Realiityo Systems is the same as the address of another straw company founded by Apple several years ago to register its rights to names such as Yosemite and Big Sur, different versions of the Mac OS operating system.

According to the registration documents, the date when Realiityo’s rights to RealityOS will take full effect worldwide on June 8, two days after Apple’s annual WWDC developer conference where the company may first introduce virtual reality glasses. Of course, this is not a guarantee that Apple will indeed choose to present the glasses at the conference, and according to the latest reports, it is not expected to launch them in any case until at least next year.

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