Apple Supports California’s Right-to-Repair Bill, Backing Access to Repairs and Consumer Protection

by time news

In a surprising turn of events, tech giant Apple has announced its support for a right-to-repair bill in California. The bill, known as SB 244, requires manufacturers to provide customers and independent repair shops with the necessary tools, manuals, and parts to fix damaged electronics and appliances.

According to reports from TechCrunch and iFixit, Apple expressed its endorsement of SB 244 in a letter to California Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman. The company stated, “Apple supports California’s Right to Repair Act so all Californians have even greater access to repairs while also protecting their safety, security, and privacy.”

Apple emphasized its commitment to creating products that are built to last and highlighted the growing range of safe and high-quality repair options available to customers. The letter also urged for a balance between device integrity, usability, and physical safety, while addressing the consumer desire to repair rather than replace devices.

Furthermore, Apple stressed the importance of ensuring that repair providers disclose the use of non-genuine or used parts, as well as protecting consumer safety and data security by not requiring manufacturers to disable device security features for repair shops.

The passage of SB 244 would add California to the list of states implementing right-to-repair laws. Other states, including Minnesota and Colorado, have already passed similar legislation. New York also passed a right-to-repair bill last year, albeit with significant amendments favoring original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

Commenting on the growing support for right-to-repair, Senator Eggman stated, “From federal action to other state bills and manufacturers reacting… by improving repairability and access to repair, the idea is catching on. It’s a lot harder to argue against when people are aware of it.”

SB 244 has already passed through the Senate with a unanimous vote of 38-0 in May and is now making its way to the California State Assembly. Apple affirmed its commitment to supporting the bill as long as it continues to protect customers and innovators.

This sudden shift in Apple’s stance on right-to-repair legislation reflects the increasing public demand for greater access to repairs and the recognition of the importance of reducing electronic waste. As technology continues to advance, the right-to-repair movement is gaining momentum nationwide.

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