Application for corona vaccinations – GGD West Brabant

by time news

Publication date: 10/12/2022 at 09:34 hrs

Are you a general practitioner and do you treat non-mobile patients living at home?

For example, patients who cannot be transported by ambulance alone, or who are not mobile for psychological reasons. Then they are eligible for a corona vaccination at home.

Request vaccine by GP for vaccinating non-mobile patients living at home

  • Send an email with the request to [email protected]
  • We will prepare the vaccine for you at the vaccination location of your preference
  • The pick-up time is in consultation. Pick up is possible from 09:30.

Register home vaccination by GGD for non-mobile home residents

If it is not possible to vaccinate your own patient(s), you can register your patients using this form.

Home vaccination registration form for non-mobile people living at home

Are you an institution without its own medical service and does your institution have clients/residents who want to receive a vaccination?

Then you can register them for vaccination at the GGD in your institution using this form. Mental health care institutions can also register using this form.

Registration form settings

Do you have specific questions? Send an email to [email protected]

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