Application for Gratuity and Benefits for Higher Education 2023 began

by time news

Through the FUAS, students must inform their family and socioeconomic background, so that the MINEDUC can validate them and determine the level of income and compliance with the other requirements established in the regulations for the granting of the different student benefits. .

The Ministry of Education opened the application process for Gratuity and other Student Benefits for higher education 2023, through the Single Socioeconomic Accreditation Form (FUAS). The interested parties will be able to carry out the procedure through cell phones, tablets or computers at between October 5 and 26, 2022.

This was announced by the regional ministerial secretary of Education, Francisco Varela, who recalled that in the 2021 application and for this year, Mineduc delivered 45,476 benefits to Maule students between scholarships, gratuity, and the Solidarity Fund.

Through the FUAS, students must report their family and socioeconomic background, so that the Ministry of Education, through the Undersecretary of Higher Education, can validate them and determine the level of income and compliance with the other requirements established in the regulations for the granting of the different student benefits.

“We need students to apply as soon as possible for state aid in Higher Education in order to resolve any inconvenience in time or collect data to support their application. In unfavorable circumstances in the international economic concert, the government of President Boric is betting on increasing Free contributions so that there are no students who wish to advance in higher education, who must give up their project due to lack of resources”, he highlighted. the ministerial secretary while emphasizing that the key to the country’s development lies in greater access to modern and up-to-date higher education in matters of technology, knowledge generation and creative thinking at all levels.

On the same point, the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Verónica Figueroa Huencho, reinforced that “this year the State is making a greater effort and for this reason, as President Gabriel Boric announced when presenting the 2023 Budget, we are projecting more resources to reinforce Gratuity and thus allow young people who come from the 60% of households with the lowest income to access full financing for the nominal duration of their careers”.

In this process, those who wish to enter technical training centers, professional institutes or universities in 2023, or who are already pursuing a degree and do not have student aid or want to opt for one that best suits their needs, can complete the form online and apply for Gratuity and other benefits.

The authorities stressed that some benefits have been modified, such as the National Score Scholarship, which will be replaced by the Distinction Scholarship for Educational Trajectories (DTE), since “we seek to guarantee greater equity in access to higher education through the recognition of other attributes and conditions that will allow us to support outstanding and outstanding students in four modalities: People with Disabilities, Original Peoples, Teaching Modality and Distinction of Territories”.

What benefits does the State provide?

The student benefits for higher education provided by the State include Gratuity, 18 scholarships and 2 types of credit.

The scholarships available are: Bicentennial; New millenium; Juan Gómez Miles for Chileans; Juan Gómez Miles for foreigners; Academic excellence; Distinction for Educational Trajectories (DTE); Technical Excellence; Children of Education Professionals; Joint; Students in a Situation of Disability; Continuity of Studies for Closing Institutions (four different scholarships); Vocation of Professor (three different scholarships); and Repair. To apply for the Teacher Vocation Scholarship and the Repair Scholarship, you must fill out a special form available on the same site.

On the other hand, the credits to finance higher education are the University Credit Solidarity Fund and the Credit with State Guarantee (CAE). The details of each of these aids can be consulted at

It should be remembered that in 2022 the State granted more than 625 thousand student benefits, of which more than 475 thousand correspond to Gratuity. For this reason, the undersecretary calls for applications within the established period and to obtain information through the channels provided by the Ministry of Education and the Undersecretary of Higher Education: their portals, social networks and the call center Ayuda Mineduc 600 600 2626.

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