Approaches for the emergence of a true pan-Africanism

by time news

2023-11-14 09:56:12

The Idriss DEBY ITNO amphitheater on the Abomey-Calavi Campus hosted the work of a two-day international conference on the theme: “The AfCFTA: building capacities and sharing knowledge for inclusive and sustainable economic development”. The closing ceremony of the said conference was chaired by Mr. Yacoubou AMADOU, representing the Minister of State, Minister of Development responsible for the Coordination of government action. It was in the presence of the representative of the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Isidore METONOU, of Madame
Valérie AMIRAUX, Vice-Rector of Community and International Partnerships at the University of Montreal, Mr. Hervé Prince AGBODJAN, Director of the Francophonie Observatory and several participants.
During the work which brought together scientists and experts from several countries, the conference sought to shed light on the conditions for the emergence of a true economic pan-Africanism through a transversal and multidisciplinary analysis of African economic sub-regionalism. It was a question of carrying out a critical and prospective analysis of the AfCFTA, of dispelling misunderstandings regarding the chosen economic integration model and the vision attached to it.
Indeed, the AfCFTA offers enormous potential through the creation of a single market of more than a billion people. It provides African businesses with access to a greater number of consumers and promotes foreign direct investment. This can contribute to economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction.

The panelists reflected on identifying and stating the problems that hinder the effective implementation of the AfCFTA. Better still, they offered some attempts at solutions but also lessons for moving forward.

In his closing speech, the representative of the Minister of State salutes the dynamics observed on the continent: “Very good dynamics are observed because the Continent today has nearly 250 special economic zones, proof that African countries are ready today to give meaning to the AfCFTA. He then launched an appeal: “To get the most out of the AfCFTA, African economies must prepare for it by initiating and developing platforms for learning and reducing infrastructural deficits for rapid industrial growth,” he said. -he added to conclude.
The International Conference on the ZLECAF was co-organized by the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) and the University of Montreal (Quebec, Canada).

QA November 14, 2023

#Approaches #emergence #true #panAfricanism

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