Appropriate dress: Missouri legislators have decided that female legislators will wear long sleeves

by time news

A new law in the Missouri House of Representatives will require building women to cover their arms, claiming that this way they will maintain a “professional” appearance • Democrats, predictably, are furious

Not only in seminars: In recent days, a political skirmish has been going on in the House of Representatives of the state of Missouri in the United States between the Republican and Democrat legislators – this after the Republican faction presented for approval a bill stating that the dress code in the House of Representatives would require its female members to wear a garment with long sleeves, which would hide their arms.

According to a report on the ynet website, the Missouri House of Representatives is currently starting its term with the new composition after the elections held in November – and at the beginning of each term it regulates its rules of conduct, including the dress code.

This year, the Republican member of the House of Representatives, Anne Kelly, introduced a bill that would require women to cover their arms, claiming that this would keep them looking “professional”.

In its original proposal, several additional restrictions appeared, but a watered-down version was finally approved, which still includes the instruction to cover the arms.

The law provoked anger in the Democratic faction.

The Democratic member of the House of Representatives said: “This is a ridiculous move.” Her friend added: “Do you know how it feels when a group of men examine your clothing trying to decide if it is appropriate or not?”

Missouri is a conservative state. Less than a third of the seats in the legislature are occupied by women.

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