Arab League welcomes Morocco’s continued support for friendly African countries

by times news cr

2024-07-08 00:53:14

This royal initiative, aimed at facilitating access to the Atlantic for the Sahel countries, is of strategic importance insofar as it is in line with Morocco’s active solidarity with brotherly African countries in general and those in the Sahel region in particular.

The Council also welcomed Morocco’s recent reception of more than 20,000 African students to continue their studies in various Moroccan institutes and universities, as part of its concern to strengthen Arab solidarity ties with friendly African countries.

In the same vein, the Council called for continuing to benefit from the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulemas and the Mohammed VI Institute for the Training of Imams, Mourchidines and Mourchidates, while welcoming the Kingdom for hosting the headquarters of the United Nations Office for Counter-Terrorism and Training in Africa (ONUCT).

As a reminder, the Council of the Arab League at the level of foreign ministers held its 161st session on Wednesday in Cairo, at the beginning of which, Morocco handed over the rotating presidency of the Council to Mauritania.

At this meeting, Morocco is represented by a delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, and including in particular the Moroccan ambassador to Egypt, permanent delegate of the Kingdom to the Arab League, Mohamed Ait Ouali.

2024-07-08 00:53:14

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