Arab Therapy: Bridging the Language Barrier for Mental Health Services for Expatriates

by time news

2023-07-03 14:59:41
Tariq Dalbah, a young Jordanian psychiatrist, has launched a start-up company called “Arab Therapy” to provide mental health services to expatriate Arabs. Dalbah, who spent over ten years in Germany gaining experience in his field, decided to invest his knowledge to create a space for psychological treatment specifically tailored to the needs of Arabic-speaking individuals living abroad. What began as a local initiative in Germany soon expanded to include Arab countries as well.

The idea for Arab Therapy came to Dalbah while working at a hospital in Hamburg, Germany, where he noticed the joy and surprise of Arabic-speaking patients when they discovered an Arab psychiatrist. The language barrier had previously made it difficult for them to find mental health support. Inspired by this experience, Dalbah developed the concept for Arab Therapy to address the unique needs of the estimated 20 million expatriate Arabs in Europe and America.

Dalbah, who arrived in Germany in 2014 after completing his medical studies in Jordan, gained valuable experience and expertise in psychiatry over the next nine years. With the support of his wife, he worked on developing the Arab Therapy idea while still employed at the hospital. However, as demand for the online clinic services grew, Dalbah made the decision to resign and focus solely on developing the project.

Arab Therapy aims to provide psychological care to those who do not speak the language of their host country. Many Arab immigrants and refugees face difficulties accessing highly qualified psychotherapists and often have to wait months for an appointment. Dalbah believes that the increase in mental disorders and problems, as well as the statistic that 54% of Arab youth struggle to find qualified psychotherapists, highlights the need for accessible and effective mental health support for the Arab community.

While the demand for Arab Therapy’s services has been high, Dalbah acknowledges that there are funding challenges, particularly for refugees. The clinic’s inability to work with German insurance companies poses a significant obstacle. Nevertheless, Dalbah and his team continue to find solutions and have joined a startup support program in Berlin. They are exploring the use of artificial intelligence to assist psychologists in their work.

Arab Therapy primarily provides education through the internet and social media platforms, offering information on mental illnesses, symptoms, and techniques to overcome various disorders. The initiative has attracted primarily Syrian, Palestinian, and Iraqi individuals living in Europe. However, Arab Therapy has expanded its services to include anyone in need of psychological care or counseling in Arab countries, regardless of their immigration status.

Dalbah plans to expand the reach of Arab Therapy to benefit refugees, particularly by partnering with refugee centers. Efforts are underway to coordinate with organizations in countries such as Greece, Italy, and Portugal to ensure the initiative’s services reach those who need them most.

The initiative’s staff consists of Arab psychologists located in various countries, including Germany, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. Their expertise spans a range of mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, OCD, and phobias.

While Arab Therapy’s services are mainly paid, the project supports refugees through campaigns and collaborations with charitable institutions. Care International, Oxfame International, and a Dutch charity have joined forces with Arab Therapy to provide treatment sessions in countries like Syria, Turkey, and the Netherlands.

Tariq Dalbah hopes to make Arab Therapy the leading electronic platform for Arab individuals seeking mental and psychological stability. The aim is to provide accessible and comprehensive psychological support to anyone, regardless of their location or financial means. Despite funding challenges, Dalbah remains committed to helping the Arab community overcome mental health obstacles and find comfort and stability in their lives.]
#Jordanian #doctor #Germany #creates #mental #health #initiative #European #Arabs

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