Archbishop shares hymn and asks for prayer against dengue in Peru

by time news

2023-06-05 02:03:00

June 4, 2023 / 7:03 p.m.

The Archbishop of Piura, Mons. José Antonio Eguren, shared a beautiful hymn on the Holy Trinity and encouraged to pray for the end of the dengue epidemic, which especially affects northern Peru.

This was indicated by the Peruvian prelate in the homily of the Mass that he presided over this Sunday, when the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity.

The prelate stressed that when speaking of the Trinity, reference is made to “a single God, not a single Person, but three different Persons who participate in a single substance, the divine.”

“Dear brothers: From the bosom of the Trinity come all the projects of life and salvation. In the Trinity there is nothing but Love, which has been revealed to us in all width, length, height and depth (see Eph 3, 17), in the mystery of the Cross of Christ”, he continued.

Bishop Eguren also stressed that “from the intimacy of God, One and Triune, flows the Love that gives life and warmth to everything, that renews and beautifies everything.”

“Unfortunately, true love rarely happens today, but when it happens it is moving, it is pure, it is beautiful, it is a source of life that renews hope, brings light and comfort.”

In conclusion, the Archbishop vowed that “in these difficult times for Piura, due to the dengue epidemic that we are suffering, God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, increase our faith, hope, and charity, and so we can be sure that the Love, life of the Trinity, is always with us, and never forsakes and abandons us.

According to the National Center for Epidemiology, Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), as of May 29, 111,085 cases were reported nationwide, 153 deaths and 1,212 people hospitalized.

Just four and a half months from 2023, the figures are 27.82% higher than the 68,290 infections detected in 2017 and 38.19% higher than those reported in 2022 (63,168), years in which dengue infection reached its levels Taller.

Piura and Lambayeque are the most affected regions, after the floods due to the heavy rains in recent months, which created a favorable environment for the reproduction of the mosquito that transmits the disease.

Finally, the Prelate shared “this beautiful hymn to the Holy Trinity, taken from the Liturgy of the Hours of today’s feast”:

My God, Trinity whom I adore!
The Church immerses us in your mystery;
we confess and bless you,

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Lord our God.
Like a river in the sea of ​​your greatness,
time ends in eternal today, the small is submerged in the infinite,

Lord our God.
Oh, Word of the Father, we hear you;
oh, Father, look at the face of your Word;
oh, Spirit of love, come to us;
Lord our God.

My God, Trinity whom I adore!
make our hearts your heaven,
take us to the home where you live,
Lord our God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Spirit:
Source of full and true joy,
to the Creator of heaven and earth,
Lord our God.


Walter Sánchez Silva is a senior writer at ACI Prensa, with more than 15 years covering Church events in Europe, America and Asia.

#Archbishop #shares #hymn #asks #prayer #dengue #Peru

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