Archimedes and Barça, levers and fluids

by time news

Some 24 centuries ago, in Syracuse, the philosopher and mathematician Archimedes he formulated a few theories, two of which still survive among us and that give as much to understand recreational physics as the ways of behaving in life. And, therefore, they also allow us to understand what the hell is happening to this conglomerate of levers that until now we have known as Barça.

Archimedes was not a football fan, if only because of the detail that had not yet been invented, but he did know about levers. I remember that my father kept repeating, like a litany, the famous formulation of the Greek, born in Sicily when Sicily was Greek: “Give me a lever and a point of support and I will move the world.” It is the theory of the “moment of a force” and everything ends up depending on the power you apply and the resistance you have to overcome, the length of the lever and what you try to move. Archimedeswho died, the poor thing, in the defense of Syracuse with weapons manufactured in his house, did not know the financial fair-play, but only someone like him would be able to explain it with the vehemence and clarity that he invested in letting us know the world of the other levers, which were not those of The door.

Regulate the force

For his part, the Barça president I don’t know if he has the mathematician among his favorite summer readings, but the truth is that he has updated his teachings. With the four financial levers he has moved heaven and earth, that is, the world, so that Barça returns to what it was. The levers have that, that they allow you to regulate the force with skill and mathematics to lift everything that the simple animal impulse could not. But the mechanism is sometimes a mirage, because it depends on the conjunction of opposites, and when you already saw yourself as a powerful club that could do anything, it turns out that the lever breaks because it was too long or too short, because the weight to be lifted it was excessive or because the point of support was not as consistent and versatile as you thought.

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The other great contribution of our friend Archimedes It was his famous principle: “Any body immersed in a fluid experiences a vertical and upward thrust equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.” He began to doubt that the mathematician did not know anything about Barça. In any case, he was also a prophet, because he foresaw and announced what is happening to the team, beyond the levers. The thing rises because it dislodges and you come up thanks to the weight of the liquid in which the thing bursts. Understand “body” or “thing” as “Barça” and read “eviction” as “transfers and resignations and cleaning in the squad.”

What was not in the mind of Archimedes It was Rayo Vallecano. Not the competition. Neither the harsh reality that dismantles all theories, nor the lack of a goal, nor that familiar perfume that smelled terrible again in the first game of the League. Levers and fluids at the service of a new Barça «triomfant» that shattered and shipwrecked in a night with too many old doubts.

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