Arden at the UN: “There are winds of war in the world and you are discussing false accusations about Israel”

by time news

While the eyes of the world are on the tensions between Russia and Ukraine, yesterday (Wednesday) the UN Security Council, which holds its interim presidency, held a discussion on the Middle East that focused on the Palestinian issue.

The Palestinian Authority’s ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, appeared for a discussion with a black corona mask that read, “End apartheid.”

The Israeli delegation to the UN expected that the Palestinian attack this time would include allegations of apartheid. The ambassador attacked the Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council over the establishment of the “hypocritical and biased” commission to investigate Operation Wall Guard, whose entire purpose is to harm Israel while ignoring Hamas crimes, which he said led to the death of the late Ido. It will be recalled that Israel has announced that it does not intend to cooperate with the committee, since, according to the composition of its members, there is no chance that it will hold a substantive discussion of what is happening.

In response to the Palestinian ambassador’s claims, Ambassador Ardan said yesterday: “We saw the ambassador’s mask and the beginning of the campaign, a scheduled Palestinian campaign in cooperation with ‘human rights organizations’ whose sole purpose is to challenge Israel’s existence as a Jewish and democratic state. A country where there is full equality for all citizens, does it really take systematic and discriminatory injustice? If you want to find real discrimination and human rights violations, you should not look far. “B, to the way they oppress their political opponents.”

Also, the ambassador visited the Council on puzzling timing of the debate and the decision to make periodic discussion closed and open discussion ordinary Palestinian issue just yesterday. “While we sit here and discuss the false accusations, ghosts of violence and war are blowing across the world. But if we are here to discuss the situation in the Middle East, the threat real for the region must be the focus of this discussion, and that is Iran. Iran, sponsor a number of world terrorism, sowing death and destruction throughout the region and is funding an army of terrorist organizations. so Iran operates now, scary to imagine what the region where Iran will become a country that holds nuclear weapons. the outcome of the current negotiations would lead Sadly agreement that will create a Middle East more volatile and violent “, he said Arden. “A nuclear Iran is an existential threat to Israel, and while this Council repeatedly refused to handle this threat, Israel will act to ensure the safety of its citizens. We will do whatever it takes to stop Iran’s nuclear race and deal with the threat at its branches.”

In the face of the outbreak of the war, the rabbis of the 160 Jewish communities in Ukraine issued special instructions to the leaders of the communities in the country, asked them to keep all the guidelines, take care of all the Jews in their cities and stressed that they stay in the country. At the same time, those who can leave Ukraine safely, should do so through land crossings.

In the coming hours, the rabbis will hold an emergency meeting during which they will discuss whether to send women and children from the Jewish communities in the east to a place of safety in the west of the country.

In a statement sent last week to the rabbis by the federation, instructions written by security personnel, as well as the federation’s chief of staff, were sharpened:

1. In case of massive firing towards the houses – turn off the light, lie down and hide in rooms / passages without windows.

2. Be prepared to accept community members who may choose to flee to your community home / synagogue / school – in such situations, the first priority is to go down to the basement with everyone.

3. Be prepared with a quantity of water and dry food for several days, also the ingredients should be in an accessible place without disturbances in access, in order to avoid panic and injury.

4. Be prepared for the falls of the networks: communication / electricity / water and gas / lack of fuel at stations. It is mentioned again that it is necessary to prepare a file with all the documents / equipment for a few days in case an evacuation takes place. “

The federation says: “We call on the Jews of the world to pray for peace and hope that this war will end without any casualties. We are sure that we will soon have the biblical vocation ‘and his sword for them and their pardons for the singers’.”

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