Are quick diets the solution to lose weight? –

by time news

Can rapid diets, very fashionable, make us lose weight quickly and permanently? Two experts answered this question (Stefano Erzegovesipsychiatrist, nutritionist and science communicator e Andrea Ghisellimoderator of the Nutrition forum) and an Olympic champion (Elisa Di Francisca) on the occasion of a meeting at Tempo della Salute, an event organized by Corriere della Sera – Corriere Salute at the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, moderated by the journalist of Health Courier Silvia Turin.

Immediate effectiveness

So, Is it true that quick diets work? At the beginning they give a very concentrated and powerful signal – underlined Erzegovesi, who is also the moderator of the forum on eating disorders -. This is because the Western diet includes a large amount of refined grains and carbohydrate is one of the “enemies” in fast diets. Eliminating this nutrient has an immediate appreciable effect: one feels fitter, less tired and mentally more charged. But, beware: the organism, in a short time, goes “on alert” and it is very important to catch certain signals. Feeling of “bad mouth”, sudden bouts of fatigue. An unbalanced diet, such as one without carbohydrates, involves the consumption of too much animal protein and saturated fat, with the risk of an increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Light foods

We live in a “carbophobic” world – Ghiselli added -: people are terrified by the ghost of “glycemic peaks” which, however, are physiological, it is important to know how to manage them. For decades now they have appeared in supermarkets “fat-free” or “light” foods, which delude us to eat less and better. We actually consume more food than we would need and we move little. Fast diets? Ten days on a low-carbohydrate diet (i.e. based on protein or protein and fat) is not bad for anyone, as long as it is supplemented with vitamins and fiber. The problem that people use fast diets as “maintenance” regimes, so for prolonged periods, and problems arise. We are perpetually looking for a quick remedy to a chronic situation (the kilos accumulated over the years), thinking that a “magic wand” is enough to quickly get what we want. But not so. He knows it well Elisa Di Francisca, given that athletes are used to sacrifices, including food: Even now that I have stopped competing, I try to vary the foods and I pay attention to the quantities. For example, I don’t eat pasta for dinner, but only for lunch, I eat lots of vegetables and fruit only between meals. I put on the table fresh food, also to teach my children to eat “well”. As for the quick diets, I think that to get something it is right and useful to do a little effort.

The metabolism suffers

What are the harm of fast diets? They lose a lot of water, but also muscles – explained Ghiselli – and we know how difficult it is to recover muscle mass. By following a low-calorie diet for a prolonged period, the body “restores” itself: there is the so-called “diet-induced thermogenesis”(Phenomenon for which we burn 10-15% of the calories we consume), therefore by eating little the need decreases and the body tries to save by carrying out fewer“ futile cycles ”, that is by reducing non-fundamental activities to a minimum. Even if we don’t realize, when we eat an important low-calorie diet, we move less. If we then add the use of sweeteners and so-called “light” products, the matter becomes even more complicated. The “light” products may have little sugar, but they can be full of fats or proteins. Definitely with fast diets metabolism suffers, unless you are followed by a doctor. There is a risk of entering the vicious circle of the “yo-yo effect”, which consists in a continuous swing of weight.

What happens in the brain

Is it true that the success of the diet depends on a person’s willpower? People who are physically and mentally exhausted by the “yo-yo diets” arrive in my clinic – said Erzegovesi -. Doctors like to talk about willpower, but the truth is that following these diets slows down the functioning of our cells, which eliminate all that is not strictly necessary. In the brain, “fasting alert programs”, With“ anti-famine ”messages that we don’t realize: to simplify, if I find a tree full of fruit, my brain tells me to eat it all, because it doesn’t know if there will be something on my plate tomorrow. Those who eat unbalanced diets develop the “craving”, Or an irresistible craving for carbohydrates: you start by eating a biscuit in the evening, then two, with the feeling of not being able to stop. Over the weeks the mood takes on tones of self-deprecation and a dangerous circle sets in: not a question of willpower, but of biology. The solution is to change our daily habits. We cannot sit all day eating foods rich in saturated fat and refined carbohydrates and then go on a crash diet hoping to “fix the problem” in a few days.

Half of the population weighs too much

We live in an obese environment – added Erzegovesi -: our level of activity is very low because we have everything at hand, starting with food. One click on an app is enough to make us take home very high calorie food. The temptation is strong, because our desire for rewarding foods perpetually increased by stress. The environment affects our diet, but we are not “doomed”, we can still make choices thinking about our present and future state of health. We are surrounded by ready-to-eat foods, almost “chewed” because they are greasy, rich in sauces – confirmed Ghiselli -. Result: 50% of the Italian adult population in excess of weight and the other 50% make tremendous efforts to keep their weight under control.

Mediterranean food

Ultimately, how do you “eat well”? To achieve this goal it takes some time (about twenty minutes a day) and passion – Erzegovesi underlined -. “Fast” food is quickly absorbed and does not facilitate weight control. Think of the comparison between the time it takes to chew a carrot and what it takes to chew an industrially produced snack. My advice return to the “poor” Mediterranean diet, the typical one of the so-called “blue zones” of the planet where people live longer: vegetables in large quantities, “rustic” carbohydrates. We limit the consumption of animal proteins and refined products, we increase that of fibers that are found only in foods of plant origin (they are not present in those of animal origin). When we go shopping we can divide the trolley with a rope: one half should only be filled with fruit and vegetables. They are small tricks to keep weight under control and no longer consider the “diet” as a punishment.

Not an impossible feat

A quick diet can be helpful, under medical supervision, for weight loss, in order to be tempted to follow a better lifestyle and not regain the pounds – concluded Ghiselli -, but in any case we cannot go below 1,200-1,300 calories a day. My advice to stay healthy and not gain weight, move more and eat better: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Among the animal products it is better to choose fish and low-fat dairy products. We reduce the consumption of alcohol and sugar. Not an impossible feat and the benefits for our health, even in the future, are great.

November 12, 2022 (change November 12, 2022 | 13:35)

© Time.News

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