Are these approaches the most effective solutions for bringing about the expected changes? »

by time news

LAgroParisTech students have made a lasting impression. By affirming, in front of the camera, during their graduation, their choice of “fork”to be beekeepers, bakers or permaculturists, rather than executives in large companies, they revealed the exasperation of part of their generation.

No, they do not agree to be associated with organizations whose overall impact they consider to be negative. Yes, they prefer to earn less, rather than endorsing the passivity of certain companies in the face of mounting perils, climate change or the sudden collapse of biodiversity.

These disturbing discourses reflect the perceptions of no less than a third of 18-30 year olds refusing to apply to companies with problematic environmental behavior (Harris poll, March 2022). Some therefore choose withdrawal, the posture of critical observation “a la Rousseau”. They withdraw into progressive bubbles from which they contemplate the rest of the world and invent new ways of living, on a small scale.

Other ways exist

A strategy for preserving self-esteem in the face of compromise. Others turn to more traditional militant action, arousing the turmoil of public opinion to put pressure on decision-makers. They advocate civil disobedience, sprinkle tomato soup on masterpieces or stick to sports cars…

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Anxiety linked to climate change, source of a new militant radicalism

But exposing oneself in this way to denounce or refuse to join large organizations, branch off, spray soup, are these approaches the most effective solutions for bringing about the expected changes? Other ways exist. Several management studies show that people who are not decision-makers, such as local managers, actually have leeway to advance their ideas, transform them into collective projects and thus influence the strategies of organizations.

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We highlight in our doctoral thesis (“Critique in and through organizations: a narrative approach”, 2021) some ways to achieve these results. First advice to those who would like to join this “army of shadows” : to manage the impressions, according to the expression of the sociologist Erving Goffman, in other words to also appear « normal » as possible to facilitate the relationship.

Propose attractive narratives

Decisions are rarely made in official forums; they prepare behind the scenes. It is therefore essential to be accepted, appreciated, in order to gradually penetrate into circles of power. For this, carrying your indignation over the shoulder is a serious mistake. On the contrary, you have to be calm, reassuring, impose yourself as credible, a member of the seraglio.

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