by time news

Antonio Aguirre Medina/Guayaquil

[email protected]

The first article of the Constitution of the Republic so establishes. Some ethnic groups and minority groups led by true Caciques of the XXI Century consider at their whim that the national union of various ethnic groups or races is only a form of political centralization that directs the central organizations that operate in the Capital of the Republic.

If, as we are, we live in a disorder very close to chaos, in which everything would depend on the will of inexperienced leaders who only seek to satisfy their unlimited personal ambitions, what would our destiny be if we stopped being a unitary country? Without a doubt, the total disintegration of the country would not be long in coming.

The closest possible solution could be the Regionalization of the country respecting the current regions that have always been considered in our distribution of the national geography: Coast and Insular Region, complete Sierra and Eastern Region.

It would be impossible for us to divide ourselves into Indigenous, Mestizos, Cholos, Afro-Americans, Whites and why not think of descendants of Chinese who already in our country is a growing, organized and productive social class.

Becoming a Federal State in a small country like ours, influenced by political currents alien to our roots, which, because they are fashionable, want to influence a people who are dissatisfied and at the same time frustrated and deceived by shoddy leaders, except for better criteria, it would not be even opportune, nor the moment is the most indicated.

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