Are you also becoming a victim of pocketing in a relationship? Identify it in time or else… – what is pocketing in a relationship and how to know if it is happening with you – 2024-07-22 23:02:00

by times news cr

2024-07-22 23:02:00
Nowadays, relationships have many names and definitions, which people are coining every day. From meeting someone to leaving them, some word or the other has been invented. Many terms like situationship, benching, breadcrumbing and cuffing have come up, which describe different statuses of relationships.

One of these is pocketing, the thought of which must have come to your mind as soon as you read its name, like ‘pickpocket’, but the meaning of this word is many times different from that. This is such a turn in the relationship, which people involved in the relationship must have gone through at some time or the other. This can prove to be dangerous for any relationship. Is pocketing happening with you too? Let us tell you what does pocketing mean in a relationship and how it can be identified and brought on the right path.

What is meant by pocketing in a relationship?

In today’s era where new terms of relationships have come up, pocketing is also one of them, which is a very serious matter. This is a situation in which one or both partners refuse to accept their relationship publicly. Also, they keep their relationship hidden from friends, family and even social media. But what are the reasons for this, let’s know.

Reasons for pocketing the relationship

  • When both the people or one person is not sure about the future and seriousness of the relationship then he/she does pocketing.
  • Sometimes people feel shy to introduce their partner to their friends and family. They feel that their partner is underestimated and hence they feel that introducing someone to their partner will lower their self-respect.
  • Sometimes, despite being in love, people do not make their relationship private because they are afraid of social customs and family.
  • One reason for pocketing can be that your partner has already been cheated in a relationship or has been heartbroken and he does not want to repeat the same thing again.

How to identify if you are being pickpocketed?

  • If your partner avoids hanging out with you in public, avoids holding hands, or hugging you, it means he or she does not want anyone to know about your relationship.
  • When your partner does not make you public on social media, does not share photos or does not post any kind of post.
  • When your partner doesn’t introduce you to his/her friends and family and keeps you away from them.
  • Hesitation in discussing anything serious related to the relationship and not talking about the future.
  • Also, when you get mixed signals from your partner, like sometimes loving you and sometimes making you feel like there is nothing between you, then it is called pocketing.

Why is pocketing dangerous for any relationship?

Even though some people consider pocketing to be right, it has its disadvantages too. It increases the possibility of fraud. In pocketing, there are high chances that a married person can have an affair with someone else and can use the person by asking him to keep the relationship private. By doing this, he can use two people at the same time and cheat them.

Positive thinking behind pocketing

Some people keep their relationship private so that no one can see their relationship. Apart from this, sometimes the reason for keeping the relationship between two people is that your partner wants to save you from many troubles. Like from the taunts of the neighborhood people, from the eyes of wrong friends etc.

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