Are You Losing Weight or Gaining Weight at a Festival? Exploring the Health Impact of Solar 2023

by time news

2023-08-06 20:31:24
Is a festival healthy? With all the cups of beer, fries with thick dollops of sauce, burgers and evening snacks you would say not. On the other hand, as a visitor you often stand on your feet all day, cover great distances, and dance a lot. On this wet edition of Solar 2023, Festileaks investigated: are you losing weight, or are you gaining weight during a day at the festival?

Festivals are a source of fun, music and conviviality. However, they are also known for an unhealthy rhythm. Short nights, unhealthy diet and consuming a lot of alcohol or other narcotics. The question we are testing at Solar 2023 is: what is the damage of a day of festival? Are you losing weight or are you gaining weight? Of course this differs per person and it strongly depends on your own eating pattern, but in this article we will examine how many calories you consume and burn on average on a festival day.

Food and drink

Food options have become increasingly important at festivals in recent years. Visitors can often choose from a wide variety of treats, from burgers and pizzas to sweet treats and alcoholic beverages. While some festival-goers choose to select healthier options, others give in to their craving for high-calorie snacks. The choice is also huge at Solar 2023: from classic festival meals such as fries with mayo to exotic hair salons and poke bowls.

Those who watch the calories, or want to have a healthy festival, are better off with a healthy variant at Solar such as a chicken, vegetarian or salmon poke bowl. For 3.5 coins – the equivalent of €12.25 – you get a bowl of rice with avocado, carrot, cucumber, corn and soybeans. With this you immediately get your carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fibers and minerals! For fries with mayonnaise you pay 1.5 coins – the equivalent of €5.25. Although you get less vitamins and fiber, the number of calories is about the same: about 700 kcal.

Calories are not only hidden in food, we can also add calories to the drinks that are consumed. A cup of 0.2L beer? Plus 90 calories. A cup of 0.2L coke? Plus 88 calories. A can of Stelz? Plus 50 calories. A cup of water? Plus 0 calories.

Walk, dance, jump!

The movement of festival goers will vary, though walking and dancing are the most common activities. The weekend starts with lugging your camping gear. Most people also cover considerable distances in the following days. From your tent to the shower facilities, back to your tent, to the terrain, from stage to stage, stopover at your tent and so on. In addition, dancing is also an excellent form of exercise to burn the calories eaten.

On the Saturday of Solar 2023, we walked about 33,500 steps, including a return trip to the campsite. With this we burned about 2,200 kcal. It is important to note that the number of calories burned can vary depending on individual factors such as weight, age and gender.

The check

Well, it should be clear that it depends on the content of your festival day whether you arrive or lose weight. Do you move a lot or a little? Do you eat and drink a lot? What do you eat and drink then? And what are your individual traits? If we assume an average festival day with 25,000 steps, where your food consists of a breakfast with one coffee, three sausage sandwiches, a croquette sandwich for lunch, a filling meal in the evening, and a cone of fries as a midnight snack and 10 beers or soft drinks during the day, we arrive at the following results:

Required number of kcals for an adult person: 2,000 to 2,500 kcal
Walking: 25,000 steps: -1,571 kcal
Dancing: 0 to -1,500 kcal
Drink: coffee, beer, soft drink: +960 kcal
Breakfast: three frankfurter sandwiches: +600 kcal
Lunch: croquette sandwich: +340 kcal
Filling meal: +700 to +1,000 kcal
Midnight snack: fries with mayonnaise: +600 kcal
Total: -370 kcal to -2,071 kcal

It should be clear: a day at a festival may be less unhealthy than you think – if we look at the calories anyway. If you don’t drink beer or soda all day, but drink water, eat less, and dance a lot, you could even burn quite a few calories. Are you glued to the mainstage shelves all day and do you enjoy a new beer every 20 minutes? Then the beer belly is of course well maintained and a calorie surplus is a guarantee.

Festivals: healthier than you think?

Not only in terms of calorie intake and combustion, a festival may therefore be healthier than we think. According to a British study, going to a concert or festival every two weeks is even optimal for your health, because it makes us more confident, productive and happier. “A gig every two weeks could pave the way for almost a decade more years of life”, the researchers say. In short: get your dancing shoes out of the closet, go on an adventure and burn those calories ???? More tips for getting through a festival healthy? Check out this article!]
#weight #lose #gain #festival #day #Solar

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