Are you paying your DPE the right price? Discover prices by department

by time news

2023-12-06 13:33:34

In the space of a few years, the weight of DPE (energy performance diagnosis) has continued to increase. The 7 letters from A to G which allow housing to be classified now play a real role in setting property prices but also in the ability to attract or not a tenant. And the movement should further amplify with the fact that the DPE will be compulsory next year to qualify for subsidies. Problem: this future central DPE still poses real questions of reliability and the diagnostician sector is struggling to provide very homogeneous services.

This is also what we can learn from this study on DPE prices across mainland France, carried out by the online DPE reservation platform, and published exclusively by Le Figaro. We thus discover that if the average prices of each department are concentrated quite clearly around the national average of 172 euros, the disparities are particularly strong if we look at the extreme prices charged. In particular, it is difficult to understand how a diagnostician from the Alpes-Maritimes can display a price of 50 euros (including travel and writing the report) and guarantee a good quality service. Likewise, how can we consider asking for 900 euros (for an apartment) or even 1800 euros for a house for a service that is supposed to be fairly standardized?

Photo credit: Kiwidiag

Density of diagnosticians and weight of travel

“These extreme prices correspond to aberrations which are ultimately absorbed into the general average, notes Jeremy Pensieri, co-founder of Kiwidiag. IThere are diagnosticians who try a “coup” with a very high price, and do not have to do much at this price. Conversely, there are also diagnosticians undergoing professional retraining who do not pay VAT and sometimes try to cut prices in a difficult market.” The study reveals that in general we see a fairly basic correlation (even if it remains weak): the rarer the diagnosticians are in relation to the number of housing units, the higher the prices. This is why in Île-de-France or Bouches-du-Rhône the prices are quite low because there is no shortage of diagnosticians, whereas in the Landes, they are rarer and therefore more expensive.

The DPE prices of houses follow a trend very similar to those of apartments. Photo credit: Kiwidiag

There remain sectors where this rule is not verified: Mayenne thus has the largest number of diagnosticians per accommodation while displaying prices among the highest in France. How can we explain that Manche displays a price almost twice as high as the average or that Saône-et-Loire is 60% below the average price? “There are sometimes elements of travel costs to take into account, specifies Jeremy Pensieri. The study concerns the purchase of a single DPE and for this service alone, the fixed prices will often be increased in the least dense departments because the diagnostician may have to travel over very variable distances.

And for the future, should we expect an increase in prices? “Currently all the elements are pushing in this direction, believes Pascal Salewyn, co-founder of Kiwidiag. Training prices are increasing, the software is expensive and the duration of the diagnosis tends to increase. But for the moment, prices remain stable because this market, like that of real estate in general, is experiencing a very strong slowdown.” The fact that the DPE becomes compulsory next year in all grant application processes could well change the situation. “For the moment, the concrete implementation of this measure still appears unclear, underlines Pascal Salewyn, which makes the market difficult to read at the moment.”

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