Areas of Lima and Callao where windshield wipers will be prohibited

by time news
wiper washer

Mayors of different districts of Metropolitan Lima and Callao have announced the prohibition or the intention to prohibit the activity of windshield wipers on public roadsdue to recent cases of violence, such as the murder of a taxi driver on Avenida Grau.


The first to speak out after the tragic event was Carlos Bruce, mayor of Surcowhere this type of informal work will be completely eradicated, he noted, to safeguard the safety of drivers, some of whom are forced to hand over money for a job they did not apply for.

According to Mayor’s Decree No. 08-2023-MSSwindow cleaners and vehicle washers in the streets of Surco will be penalized with 35% of a UIT, equivalent to S / 1,732.50.

Meanwhile, vehicle owners will also be fined 10% of a UIT, equivalent to S/495.

If a person hires a car cleaning service on public roads, they will receive a fine. But if a driver has a red light and a person comes, throws detergent at him with threats, he does not have to pay the fine“, the mayor specified.

He also pointed out that the Serenade and Inspection team, in coordination with the National Police, will carry out a series of operations against this outpatient activity and will coordinate with other State entities for cases in which there is the presence of minors.

“As of today we have 100 police officers on board our patrol cars. We will start the integrated patrol. They will help to intervene the windshield wipers and the thieves. In Surco, this activity will no longer be possible, ”he commented on TV Peru News.

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He Mayor of the Municipality of La Victoria, Rubén Canoannounced that his district will also prohibit the work of windshield wipers on public roads and will evaluate whether drivers who allow it will receive fines for it.

The burgomaster said that in these days the ordinance that prohibits this type of work will come out formally with the aim of also eradicating crime in the streets, since many citizens have stated that they were assaulted by some of these people.


In dialogue with Canal N, the mayor of Magdalena del Mar, Francis Alissonindicated that windshield wipers were eradicated in his district since January, after a municipal ordinance was issued that also includes informal car sitters.

Unfortunately, in many areas of Lima, including Magdalena, car washes are violent, aggressive, insulting and threatening drivers; For this reason, when a car wash is detected by video camera, it is removed from the entire commercial area.”.

Along the same lines, the mayor stressed that illegal parkers are also prohibited in the district. In both cases, he requested that the norm must be accompanied by the National Police.


For her part, the Municipality of San Isidro It also reinforced its control and security actions in those areas where people cleaning car windshields are detected, in order to avoid any type of violent or criminal incident against drivers.

The Mayor Nancy Vizurraga reported that the commune’s Serenazgo and Inspection personnel, accompanied by PNP troops, are located at the main intersections of the district, where, due to intense traffic, people tend to be located to offer this type of service.

In parallel, real-time monitoring is carried out from the Communications Center through the 664 video surveillance cameras that the commune has.

Vizurraga also specified that, although the cleaning of the windshields of vehicles on public roads is not regulated, his commune will take the corresponding preventive security and control measures.


For his part, he Mayor of Lima, Rafael López Aliagaannounced that work is being done on a metropolitan ordinance to regulate the activities of windshield wipers, which will be debated next Friday.

“It is a continuity to the norm of intangibility. Metropolitan Lima has power over the metropolitan roads and in the historic center of Lima, so the regulations that we are going to give are respectful to the neighbor,” indicated the mayoral authority.


Given the large number of complaints about violent acts by people who are dedicated to cleaning vehicle windows in the streets, the Regional Governor of Callao, Ciro Castilloalso announced that they are going to prohibit this activity in the “dangerous places” of their jurisdiction.

We know it’s dangerous. What we should do is order, organize and repress them in the hottest areas or points. (…) We have not strictly prohibited them, but we are going to prohibit them in certain areas”, he declared on Channel N after providing the balance of his first 100 days of management.

The regional governor emphasized that “we are a country full of informality and, if we do not give them the opportunity to work, they will be there. We must not let the freedom of work turn into licentiousness”.

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