Areios Pagos: Kasidiaris was the real leader of the Spartans – Criminal prosecution of 11 members of parliament outside Stiga

by time news

Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Georgia Adelini, is requesting criminal prosecution of 11 Spartan MPs as well as Ilias Kasidiaris, following the public complaints of the party’s president, Vassilis Stiga, some time ago.

Specifically, the public prosecutor requested the initiation of criminal charges for defrauding the voters, after Vassilis Stiga’s complaints about illegal behind-the-scenes actions in the party of. It is noted that the prosecution does not concern Vassilis Stigas. The Spartan MPs for whom criminal prosecution is ordered are: Athanasios HALKIAS, Charalambos KATSIVARDAS, Georgios MANOUSOS, Alexandros ZERBEAS, Ioannis DIMITROKALLIS, Dionysios VALTOGIANNIS, Georgios ASPIOTIS, Michael GAVGIOTAKIS, Ioannis KONTIS, Petros DIMITRIADIS and Konstantinos FLOROS.


POLITICS “Spartans”: 11 MPs in Areopagos as suspects – The reference to Kasidiaris party 25.10.23

The investigation began months ago, when Vassilis Stigas publicly denounced behind-the-scenes and illegal actions in his party, talking about the Greek Mafia and “Don Corleone”, photographing Ilias Kasidiaris. He testified twice to the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, who intervened after his complaints and personally took over the investigation, while all the MPs of his party, as well as Ilias Kasidiaris, gave explanations as suspects.

The criminal prosecution, however, will also concern the prisoner of Golden Dawn Ilias Kasidiaris, who is ordered to be prosecuted as the moral perpetrator of the fraud of the electorate. The information states that after the investigation, it emerged that he was the real leader of the Spartan party, guiding and contributing decisively to his electoral descent and the election of his deputies to Parliament.


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The order to prosecute the inmate of Golden Dawn was based on the existence of evidence that emerged from the investigation of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, that he had constant contacts from prison with Spartan parliamentary candidates and that he had assumed their guidance and political supportwhich the law prohibits, both for him and for other Golden Dawn inmates who have convictions as a criminal organization.

Finally, the prosecutor also ordered the prosecution of the lawyer Sotirios Metaxas, as he participated, as emerged from the investigation, in the contacts of Ilias Kasidiaris with the candidates and later deputies of the “Spartiates” party. Sotirios Metaxas is being prosecuted for complicity in deceiving the electorate.

With information from APE – BEE


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