Arensburg Castle is illuminated / children’s charity collects donations

by time news

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(Steinbergen) This Saturday, March 26, at 9 p.m., there will be an event at Arensburg Castle.

After the welcome by representatives of the children’s charity International Children Help eV, a singer will sing the Ukrainian national anthem. The castle will be illuminated in the colors of the Ukrainian national flag, blue and yellow.

The campaign will be broadcast live on the Internet:

The technical support is provided by the company Porta Event.

Donations for the children’s charity can be paid into the following donation accounts of the aid organization International Children Help eV:

ICH eV donation account:

Sparkasse Schaumburg: IBAN DE39 2555 1480 0470 0519 88
Volksbank Hamelin / Stadthagen: IBAN DE 68 2546 2160 0108 6006 00

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