Argentina: From the cultural battle to the symbolic war

by time news

What is happening in Argentina is not a cultural battle between adversaries. Just as the extermination of 1976 had the cold war as one of its major keys, Argentina, beyond the governments in power, is an essential part of “accumulation by dispossession” that the machinery of current capitalism deploys.

The so-called hegemonic media not only produce, but also propitiate, through all their resources, high-intensity pressure on the stressed mental apparatus of the population.

The evident incitement to extermination develops in a sustained manner and has a structural relationship with the violent episodes that reach their climax in the assassination attempt. They know that the times will come, or at least that’s what they are trying to do, to achieve an Argentina without a political and institutional fabric that acts as a limit, to what could be the deadly result for the Nation: the subsequent Balkanization of the territory and the distribution of its various riches. The two big players in this future will be China and the US depending on where each one is in their hegemonic struggle.

A political formation is made, in a traditional sense, to fight a cultural battle and not for a symbolic war. A political formation is not a war machine, the Argentine right is. It is monitored, supervised and remote controlled from the outside, and from different reticular connections that only have as their own end the unlimited reproduction of capitalism. Without even considering the fate of the planet.

At this extreme point, it can only be added that the Argentine right has a much more powerful and effective capacity for damage than the European extreme right, which will always have more obstacles to destroy the institutional fabric built after the Second World War.

The symbolic war is a specific mode of the 21st century coup, it is a state of exception accompanied by the society of the spectacle. In this aspect, in the symbolic war, the insult plays a central role; the insult is the limit of the dialogue to later produce its cancellation.

What are the possibilities so that what today we call (low intensity) democracy can still generate the conditions of a political subject that intends to resist these new forms of fascist hybridization?

There are answers, but as Dylan would say, the answer is “blowing in the wind.”

It is known that there will always be those who know how to read what is written in the wind. (Taken from Page 12. Date of publication: April 4)

Caption: For many it became clear that the assassination attempt on Cristina, last September, was a result of the demonization of her figure by the big media in the hands of the right, and of hateful language.

Taken from Page 12

Cover Photo: Taken from Sputnik

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