Argentina: Hunger cannot wait

by time news

2023-08-25 15:52:14

The inflationary jump after the devaluation decided by Massa after the elections by order of the Monetary Fund with the endorsement of Milei and Bullrich, caused despair in the working class and popular families.

By PSTU- Argentina

If before the money was not enough, now we cannot directly eat, nor buy medicines. Let’s not even talk about renting. The meat is inaccessible, the bread doubled its price.

On the other hand, the community kitchens that are spread throughout the neighborhoods and gather more and more people who go for a plate of food, are receiving less food from the State than ever, within the framework of a general campaign against the organizations of the unemployed. The union and political leaderships, beginning with the CGT, do not move a finger in the face of this situation.

Capitalism denies us food and prices are through the roof, because food businessmen prefer to export everything even if the people die of starvation. Argentina is a country full of wealth, but it is taken away by a handful of multinationals and big capitalists.

In all this context, looting is taking place in Mendoza, Córdoba, Neuquén and the Buenos Aires suburbs. At the speed at which events are happening, it is possible that as we write these lines this will be replicated in more regions of the country. Only in Buenos Aires there are already more than 94 detainees.

It is of little importance now to discuss whether they are actions promoted by this or that sector. If they are organized by “living”. What no one can deny is that hunger is raging in the working-class and popular neighborhoods, and people go out to find food however they can.

That is why we propose to the population to organize themselves, surround the large supermarkets, refrigerators, food companies to get the food they need. That assemblies be organized, that each action be planned so that what has been achieved is distributed among those who need it and the law of the jungle does not apply. It will also be necessary to prepare ourselves to face state and private repression, defending ourselves with whatever we have at hand. Beginning to release those detained for looting

We also call on the workers of these companies to join these demands, taking from the hands of the starving businessmen what the people need to live. It is worth asking ourselves, if this happened in our workplaces, whose side would we be on? On the side of those who suffer the consequences of the adjustment, like our families? Or on the side of the bosses who take everything and who lack nothing?

We have to organize massively in assemblies in workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools, to organize a united and generalized struggle until the adjustment plan is defeated. Together, employed and unemployed workers, for a list of demands to get out of misery. Coordinating the fight in each town, as the people of Jujuy taught us with their dignity.

We revolutionary socialists call to fight together with the working class for a plan of struggle to defeat this brutal attack, this war that they have declared against us. With the methods of the workers: the assembly, the strike, the picket, the mobilization.

Those responsible for this situation are the Monetary Fund, the speculator businessmen and the government and the opposition that govern for them. Massa, Milei and Bullrich are his employees.

It’s them or us. We have to expropriate everything they have stolen.

We continue in this capitalist Argentina that only offers more privations every day, or we do what must be done: a worker and socialist revolution, for a dignified future for everyone.

#Argentina #Hunger #wait

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