Argentina: The 123rd Plenary Assembly of the bishops began

by time news

2023-11-07 02:00:00

Given this, he called on the bishops to “open their hearts like those who welcome into their homes an enemy with whom it is necessary to reconcile and heal the humiliations received.”

Continuing with the synthesis document of the Synod of Synodality, Bishop Ojea called to “reflect on the application of this message to the reality of the country, because it implies a focus on justice, inclusion and solidarity.”

“The synthesis of the Synod tells us about recovering those discarded and dedicates ample space to the poor who ask the Church for love, understood as respect, welcome and recognition,” he pointed out. “The text reminds us that for the Church the option for the poor and discarded is a theological category, rather than a cultural, sociological, political or philosophical one,” she added.

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#Argentina #123rd #Plenary #Assembly #bishops #began

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