Argentina: Vote for FIT-U change the campaign Let’s vote for a worker and socialist revolution!

by time news

2023-10-16 12:56:27

It’s almost time for the elections. Nobody knows what will happen, who will win. Candidates with possibilities, beyond their differences, have a lot in common.

By PSTU – Argentina

The “presidentials” travel to Washington to pledge their loyalty to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They promise to honor the External Debt, condemning our country and its working people to decadence, the surrender of its natural resources, the deterioration of the environment and the abandonment of any project for a better future for coming generations. They are the three candidates for the delivery.

They negotiate with the union bureaucrats the Labor Reform proposed by the Fund, the multinationals and the international centers of power. And they assure that they will end the strikes and pickets.

Both Javier Milei, Sergio Massa and Patricia Bullrich are guarantors of the capitalist economic system and the political regime that they call “democratic”, but which has already proven to be at the service of business profits.

There is no doubt: we workers need to vote for something else, and only the FIT-U offers it: there are no employers on its lists, and it calls for not paying the Debt, confronting the candidates who promise to do so.

For a breakup campaign

In factories, places of work and study, there is a hive of political discussion. What will happen? Where is the country going? What happens if one or the other wins? What does the dollarization that Milei proposes and even the IMF rejects mean?

No one has any real hope that things will get better with any of them. Millions voted for Milei out of rejection of those who governed the last 20 years. Likewise, he did not go to vote directly, or he did so blankly.

However, in this scenario, the left fails to present a clear profile of rebellion, of complete confrontation with everything that exists, of breaking with decadence.

It does not present a clear project of power perspective. It only appears as a dispute for more deputies, for positions, for a little more influence within the framework of the parliamentary regime that exists.

What has already been done wrong has no remedy. The STEP on the left were wrong. That does not allow discussion. And the more working-class candidates no longer have the possibility of happening.

But even so, under the current conditions, it is possible to change the course of the campaign, to develop a unitary agitation, linked to a plan of struggle of all those who mobilized this September 14 to Plaza de Mayo.

With a profile that breaks with the docile image, friendly to the media, much closer to the factories, the working-class neighborhoods, the struggles, the places where our class works, lives and suffers. Let him share the anger, the hatred, the bitterness, the helplessness. That vindicates the need to fight without limits, and to confront repressive violence with the just violence of the oppressed.

Our campaign

The FIT-U does not appear as an alternative that proposes to destroy this capitalist State, make a revolution and create a new type of State, led by the workers. This campaign is what we will do from the PSTU.

With a program that puts at the center that, in the face of the catastrophe that the bourgeoisie and their politicians promise us, the left proposes to put an end to the capitalists, to put an end to that true scourge, the authentic “caste” of which Milei, Bullrich are employees and Massa.

Expropriate all large food companies, large estates, meat processing plants, so that there is good and cheap food for everyone. Expropriate large laboratories so that medicines are freely accessible to the population. Expropriate the mining, oil and other companies that plunder our resources, nationalizing the soil and subsoil at the service of an industrial and human development plan for Argentina.

Say with anger, with disgust, that we are going to put an end to all of them, promoting a workers’ and popular insurrection until the end, so that those who never governed govern. That we will try with class hatred, until we win or lose everything in the fight.

We have to demonstrate that, indeed, we want to represent those who have nothing to lose, other than their chains, their suffering, their pain.

Because Argentina needs a workers and socialist revolution to put an end to the exploiters.

If we manage to get closer to a campaign like this, we will be fulfilling our purpose. We will get more or fewer votes, but no one will be able to say that the left is “part of all this”, part of the “caste”.

With this profile and program we will fight for the vote for the FIT-U, against all the employer candidates.

Published in 19/9/2023

#Argentina #Vote #FITU #change #campaign #Lets #vote #worker #socialist #revolution

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