Argentina will have 10 new meteorological radars to monitor storms

by time news

The Meteorological Service will install 10 radars in different cities of Argentina, as reported from the Ministry of Defence. Thus, Argentina will have a total of 21 radars which will allow coverage of 70% of the American continental territory of our countrywhile allowing a greater number of Argentines to receive immediate alerts for severe storms and hail fall among many other phenomena.

This is the third stage of the Project of the National System of Meteorological Radars (SINARAME) that was implemented in 2011 and has the support financier of the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation.

The new radars will be installed in strategic places: Villa Reynolds, St. Louis; Las Lajitas, Salta, Las Catitas, Mendoza; Bolivar, Buenos Aires; Roasted, Santa Fe; Chamical, La Rioja; Alejandro Roca, Cordoba; Ituzaingó, Corrientes; Las Grutas, Río Negro and in Santa Isabel, La Pampa

Both the construction of these ten new radars and their installation are in charge of the Argentine company INVAP S.E., with headquarters in the Rio Negro city of Barilochethe same one that manufactured the RArgentine Meteorological Adar (RMA) as the basis of the system. For his part, he SMN is the main user of the system, for the preparation of immediate alerts based on radar information.

“The system is an example at the South American level. Argentina is the only country that has an integrated system, which is managed from a single placer”, he explained carlos lacunza, Project coordinator.


“It works very well and is known throughout the world. So we started the third stage with a very good prognosis, since it began with the installation of new equipment to process, visualize and manage the data in the SMN Operations Center. In this way, 20 high-resolution screens are added to better visualize the information provided by existing radars, and from the RMAs that will be installed during 2023,” added the specialist.

This third stage of SINARME also contemplates the expansion of the communications system, the installation of 18 surveillance and interpretation premises (Local Nodes) and 9 surveillance and study offices.

Is about workshops that will be located in the vicinity of the radar and that will provide the energy and communications service to the jurisdictional authorities that provide the site.

In this way, the jurisdictions that request it will have direct access to all the information produced by the systemsince these offices will receive the information prepared by the automatic weather stations.


In addition, it is developing a mobile phone application open to all citizensfrom which you can access all the radar system in real time.

With radar we can see inside the storms, see if there is rain, hail and how big“, he pointed Pedro Lohigorry, coordinator of Immediate Forecasts of the SMN.

It is a tool. But every radar has a 240 km coverage around you. Because of this, it is important to have many radars. The superposition of these coverages is what is known as mosaic”, concluded the SMN referent.

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