Argentinian | Currency run and skyrocketing inflation: there is a socialist solution to the crisis

by time news

2023-04-28 01:43:02

A new currency run and the jump of the dollar -which reached $495-, are an announcement of what is to come. Inflation, which today is around 8% per month, will be even higher in the coming months. There is talk of 150% for the year. The rebranding in red-hot shops, and merchandise that hides to speculate. The salary is devalued again: we continue to lose with Macrista or Peronist governments.

By PSTU – Argentina

The Argentine economy is stagnant, on the way to recession and with the highest inflation in 30 years. It is the result of a decomposing capitalist regime.

Added to the looting of our resources by multinationals and decades of politics at the service of corporate profits, this year are the recessive plans imposed by the IMF, a growing global economic crisis, and the drought that reduced the harvest by 40 %.

The entire Argentine economy revolves around getting the dollars that the State does not have to pay the foreign debt and obey the IMF. The dollar eats the weight. That is the explanation for what happens.

Massa, Cristina’s minister, responds to this situation in the only way he knows how: begging, more and more kneeling. He travels to Washington every month to beg for pardons, and each trip promises more submission. He had to ask permission to buy a few dollars and thus achieve a minimal drop in the dollar today.

And he begs the cereal producers to sell, giving them the “soybean dollar”, which we pay for with more inflation.

Massa and Cristina failed in their attempt to stabilize the capitalist regime, despite the brutal adjustment. And now he makes the Argentine people pay for his failure. Cristina will speak to the country tomorrow as if she had nothing to do with it.

They enslave us, they bind us with the chains of the foreign debt, and the people pay for it.

The capitalist “exit”

A political crisis is going through both the ruling party and the opposition.

Big businessmen and multinationals are debating how to get out of the crisis for their own benefit, while preparing more adjustments, salary cuts and the brutal Labor Reform that is coming, whoever wins the elections.

The very leadership of the CGT, while warning about the dangers of the working class losing patience, is preparing to accept this Reform. As long as the CGT is part of the government and supports the bosses’ plan, the workers will be worse off.

For this reason, the repercussion of Milei’s proposal to “dollarize” the economy. Those who think that this is “madness” or “colored mirrors” are mistaken, as Deputy Bregman, of the FITU, said.

It’s not crazy. It is a serious and brutal capitalist plan to stabilize the economy, and that we pay for the crisis.

The automotive business leader Cristiano Ratazzi endorsed Milei and his dollarization plan. The leadership of Together for Change criticizes the proposal not because they do not share it, but because “there are no conditions” due to the political crisis. That is to say, because they fear that the Argentine people will not let it pass.

It is nothing other than the Menem-Cavallo Convertibility Plan, but multiplied by 10. Today both Milei and JxC leaders vindicate Cavallo.

We all remember the result of Convertibility: 50% unemployment and underemployment, destruction of the productive apparatus, widespread misery, corralito, and the whole situation that led to 2001. Dollarization would lead us to something even worse.

With Milei, “freedom” does not advance, but rather the opposite. In addition to the chains that already bind us to the IMF, he wants to put another chain on us: that of a dollarized economy. Their “freedom” is achieved by enslaving the workers and the people. And to achieve this, he is willing to suppress as necessary.

There is a worker and socialist way out

The crisis must be paid by those who caused it: the powerful and their politicians (FdT, JxC, Milei).

Neither dollarization nor Cristina’s “bi-monetary economy”. The economy must be completely de-dollarized, breaking the economic chains that bind our country and its people. Put wealth and resources at the service of collective needs, taking them out of the hands of multinationals and capitalists. It is about achieving a second and definitive Independence, for the benefit of the people.

Immediately stop paying the foreign debt to the IMF and other creditors, nationalizing all foreign trade.

Guarantee cheap and quality food for everyone, controlling the production and marketing of basic necessities under the supervision of worker and consumer committees. And the immediate seizure of those who hoard food.

Progressively increase taxes and withholdings on all exports, as a first step towards the expropriation under workers’ control and the population of all natural resources in private hands.

Recover state ownership of energy, transportation, health, and education.

Instead of closing the Central Bank, nationalize and centralize all financial activity in the hands of a single state bank. Ending with banking and commercial secrecy.

And implement a workers’ and popular economic plan that takes the economy out of the hands of the IMF and big business, and puts it in the hands of the majority and their democratic workers’ and popular representations.

How to achieve it?

It will not be with television debates. It will not be with electoral participation (although we must have a proposal for the elections).

Only with the unified struggle of the working class and the people will we be able to face this crisis. Supporting and unifying all the ongoing struggles, until achieving a national struggle plan and a general strike to defeat the adjustment, inflation, looting and repression plans of the IMF, the government and all the bosses’ parties and leaders.

For that, it is necessary to organize from each factory and workplace to force the leaders to break with the government and the IMF, or remove them and achieve a new union and political leadership for the working class.

#Argentinian #Currency #run #skyrocketing #inflation #socialist #solution #crisis

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