Arm wrestling around Madagascan vanilla

by time news

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Since the start of the new campaign in mid-November, Madagascar has exported almost ten times less vanilla than last year at the same time. The Big Island does not lack pods, it is the buyers who are lacking.

Among the producers, vanilla accumulates, just like among the intermediaries, also called collectors. This situation can be explained by slowing exports: 150 tonnes were exported against more than 1,000 last year. Unheard of at this stage of the campaign. ” This is the minimum service “Summarizes a producer.

If the Big Island is struggling to sell its vanilla, it is because buyers are reluctant to pay the price set by the authorities: 250 dollars per kilo. A price much higher than that practiced by other producing countries, a price supposed to allow fair remuneration at all levels of the value chain.

Official prices not respected

In Madagascar, this official price has been in effect for two seasons already, but for lack of sufficient control, more than half of the pods, 80% according to some sources, would have been sold at a lower price, assures an exporter. Another actor in the sector confirms prices practiced around 180 dollars per kilo, via financial sleight of hand. The flows have therefore not been affected so far by the implementation of the new rules since they have been largely circumvented.

But this summer, exporters and importers signed a commitment to respect the legislation. Clearly, the arrangements that have given rise to retrocessions are no longer accepted, on paper. The authorities have also decided to be more observant. Result: orders have fallen, especially from Americans who buy 70% of Madagascan vanilla.

Exporters watch for importers’ stocks

Each side seems to play for time, hoping to see the other give in. “ Customers dip into their stock and put crazy pressure on us “explains an exporter. Opposite, the government does not flinch, even if the situation becomes more and more difficult to hold in the face of galloping inflation. Buyers’ stocks should melt by March, an argument not to give in, explains a local expert who hopes that importers will soon return to purchases. Meeting yesterday, the National Vanilla Council recommends sending a mission to the United States to clear up misunderstandings.

A blockage that is too long could divert some importers to Ugandan vanilla, whose aromatic profile is similar to the Malagasy pod. But also and above all give pride of place to artificial vanilla, which already represents 99% of the vanilla consumed in the world.

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