«Armored», Lucariello and the prison

by time news

twelve o’clock, May 8, 2021 – 10:10 am

The rapper and producer sings about the problems of the inmates for which the musician has been organizing workshops in Airola for ten years: “I’m exploring a reality made of pain and deprivation Music and poetry can cross even the thickest walls”

of Giuliano Delli Paoli

For rap lovers in the city Lucariello is the man of providence, the committed rapper who has written fundamental pages for the evolution of the Neapolitan hip hop scene in the last twenty years, starting with the soundtrack of the TV series “Gomorra”, for which he composed the hits «Guagliun’e miez’a via» and «Nuje vulimme ‘na hope» with’ Ntò ».

Each new release is an event for the youngest and not only. And it is even more so when he launches a social message that goes beyond the musical aspect, as in the new single released today, «Armored», dedicated to the boys locked up in the Airola juvenile prison, for which the musician has been organizing rap workshops in collaboration with the Crisi Come Opportunity association.

“In all this time – says Lucariello – I have seen many boys pass by: someone committed suicide, someone stuffed their faces with bullets, many who entered with a light adolescent down on their lips will come out of there with white hair, few they are “saved” ». And he continues: «I’m not a policeman or an educator, I’m a rapper who is exploring a reality made of pain and deprivation. Music, poetry can go through even the thickest walls. “Armored” is a desperate cry of anger and helplessness for those who feel they have a destiny marked by educational poverty, degradation and abandonment ».

The video clip of «Armored» was shot in the former Procida prison with the aim of observing and breathing «the tension that is experienced in a prison», as Lucariello defines it. A song with a frenetic rhythm and sustained flow (English term meaning “flow” used in hip hop jargon to indicate the metric of a rapper), whose verses clearly express the discomfort and helplessness experienced every day by young inmates : “‘O stat ca’ dint ce blind, however ‘o ssaje che nun fott it.” Or: “Nuie simm ‘chill sons perdut ca’ nun riesc cchiù to look dint ‘all’uocchie”.

Words that sound like deafening thuds in an enclosed space, while the anxious melody helps to increase the aforementioned tension by the artist, whose real name is Luca Caiazzo. «Armored – reveals the musician – was born from the confrontation with the boys that will also lead to the creation of a“ Mixtape ”that I will publish within this year». A song therefore different from the others, and which inaugurates a mission that is anything but simple, but potentially saving for many young people from Campania often unheard and thus abandoned to a twice tragic destiny.

May 8, 2021 | 10:10


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