Army colonel accused of sexually abusing his subordinate

by times news cr

2024-09-17 17:43:37

Lieutenant Colonel Carlos René Pedraza Guarín, Commander of the Combat Service Support Battalion No. 16 at the time of the events in 2022, had sexual intercourse with a second lieutenant in an unconscious state. He was absolutely removed from his post by the Attorney General’s Office, which disqualified him for 16 years.

In a first instance ruling, the supervisory body found that after several officers went out to a commercial establishment in Yopal, after completing an activity in the non-commissioned officers’ casino, the officer took advantage of the intoxicated state of a subordinate to have sexual relations with her without her consent.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office stressed that “the members of the Public Force in particular are the most visible representatives of the State; they express its image and at the same time its reality before the social conglomerate, therefore, they must act with greater neatness and respect in the development of their public and private life”, since they have been entrusted with tasks of a state nature that must result in the well-being of the community.”

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The lieutenant colonel’s offense was classified as very serious and committed with intent, as the Attorney General’s Office considered that “his knowledge of the illegality was such that, after having committed the deplorable conduct, he approached the clinic where she was being treated to try to convince her to keep silent about what had happened, putting their careers before the probable consequences.”

And recently, the Disciplinary Delegate Prosecutor’s Office of Court 1, by ruling of August 23, 2024, declared Benjamín Darío Núñez Jaramillo disciplinarily responsible as operational commander of citizen security, in his rank of lieutenant colonel, because the charge attributed to his action in article 103 of the Penal Code, which describes the crime of homicide, was proven and not refuted and, consequently, a disciplinary sanction was imposed on him.

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