Around the world for 9 euros: One day in Deidesheim

by time news

Deidesheim is worth every trip, a beautiful little town in front of the vineyards of the Palatinate Forest, which rises steeply behind the village, sometimes a bit crowded. Of course you want to take a look at the Deidesheimer Hof, where Helmut Kohl dragged state guests to Saumagen when he was Chancellor If you go for a hike through the vineyards, maybe to the neighboring town of Forst or even a bit further to the Wachtenburg.

Manfred Köhler

Head of department of the Rhein-Main editorial team of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

If you then want to strengthen yourself in Deidesheim, you won’t have to look far for a good restaurant. Always approved: the Turmstüb’l restaurant on Turmstraße. Before planning a trip to Deidesheim, check the internet to see if there is a wine festival or something similar going on there – in the Palatinate you can always find a reason for a celebration. The traditional Kerwe in August, before Corona an enchanting festival with music and wine spritzer in the courtyards of the wineries, does not seem certain for this year with a view to Corona.

Outside view of the Old Town Hall: the Museum of Wine Culture is located here.

picture series

Travel with the 9 euro ticket

Deidesheim is worth a visit

The Travel Reading

As the Deidesheim tower clerk, Andreas Maier has already looked around more thoroughly at the end of the train journey than the visitors who now trundle after him for nine euros. The writer, who was born in 1967, has not yet published anything as a book on the Palatinate. However, he not only knows the local mixture of lovely cultural landscape and urban concentration from the Rhine-Neckar region, where the chimneys of Ludwigshafen are never far away on the horizon, but also from Wetterau at home. His current book “The Cities”, which was published a year ago as the eighth volume of the cycle “Ortumgehung” (Suhrkamp, ​​22 euros, travelers with a reader pay 11.99 euros for the e-book, goes very well with the train journey from one area to another ). It tells of nothing but journeys that succeed, turn out differently than expected, go wrong. Everything is going well in Deidesheim. In a pinch, a sip of wine helps.

The souvenir

Wine of course and Saumagen. The latter is available in a can to take away, the former in a bottle, you can try it out in the wineries – what an advantage that you came by train! The best-known addresses include Bassermann-Jordan, von Winning and Reichsrat von Buhl, but they are by no means the only ones. At the southern end of the main street you will find the wine cooperative with a nice shop. Riesling is the main crop, and Deidesheim is one of the places in the Palatinate with the largest areas under cultivation.

The round trip

The journey to Deidesheim is unusually complicated, you have to change trains at least once, usually more often, and there are different routes. The connection for a Saturday printed here is just one of many. She offers ten hours stay. Be sure to check to see if the trains are running. And expect that they might be crowded.

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