Arpal Weather: Clear skies on the coasts. Inland scattered clouds will gather already in the morning on the center of the region

by time news

Forecast for Thursday, August 22, 2024

High pressure dominates almost undisturbed over our continent and maintains clear skies on the coasts of Liguria. Inland, scattered clouds will gather already in the morning over the center of the region; rare showers in the central hours

Temperatures: Maximums stable or slightly decreasing. In Genoa between 24 and 29 degrees.

Humidity: On medium-high values

Winds: Breezy on the coasts or light from North-West to East in the evening, light southerly inland

Sea: Rough decreasing in the afternoon in the Levante, slightly or locally rough in the central-West

Civil Protection Reports – Heat Discomfort

Arpal Weather: Clear skies on the coasts. Inland scattered clouds will gather already in the morning on the center of the region

Forecast for Friday, August 23, 2024

The weather scenario does not change. We still expect sunshine and afternoon cumulus clouds on the reliefs, generally harmless

Temperatures: Stationary or slightly decreasing in the evening

Humidity: On medium-high values

Winds: Breezy on the coasts, weak variable tending to be from the south inland

Sea: Slightly rough

Civil Protection Reports – Heat Discomfort


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