Arrest of Tel Aviv Resident for Assaulting Minister May Golan Sparks Reform in Justice System

by time news

Title: Tel Aviv Resident Arrested for Assaulting Minister May Golan During Protest Against Legal Reform

Date: Monday, July 24, 2023

A Tel Aviv resident in her 50s was apprehended today on suspicion of physically assaulting Minister for the Advancement of Women’s Status, May Golan. The incident occurred during a confrontation between the two outside the hotel room where the minister was staying. The protester allegedly scratched Golan, causing a minor injury to her hand.

In a document uploaded to social media platforms, the suspect verbally attacked Golan, stating, “You are a flower from the Hatikva neighborhood with a Jura mouth that has done nothing in her life.”

This incident comes amidst ongoing protests against the legal reform taking place outside the Knesset in Jerusalem. Since the morning hours, 12 demonstrators have been arrested, with one individual suspected of biting a policeman.

Responding to a compromise proposal presented the day before, protest organizations declared that any compromise that does not include a complete halt to the controversial laws and the requirement for fundamental changes through broad consensus is unacceptable. They promised to fight against such compromises until the end. These organizations argue that any unilateral actions taken by the government contradict the values of the Declaration of Independence and risk turning Israel into a dictatorship.

Opposition leaders are urged to remember that they do not have a mandate to accept a “half-democracy.” The protesters demand that they stand with the majority of the people and fight against the alleged regime coup in Israel. They believe that any elected official cooperating with the government’s actions will ultimately be remembered in history for their role in the “destruction of the Zionist vision, the crushing of the people’s army, and the destruction of the economy.”

The situation remains tense as both sides continue to clash over the proposed legal reforms. Further developments are expected as the protests and negotiations progress.

Note: The Twitter content within the article highlights a picture from the demonstrations against the legal reform.

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