arrests for those who organize them

by time news

2023-10-12 19:24:35

Stop pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France. The Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, asked the prefects to ban them all “because they are likely to generate disturbances to public order – indicated Darmanin – The organization of these prohibited demonstrations must give rise to arrests”.

The minister then underlined that “foreign citizens” who have committed crimes “must have their residence permit systematically revoked and their expulsion implemented without delay”.

Finally, Darmanin recalled the need to ensure “systematic and visible protection of all places frequented by French people of the Jewish faith” starting from synagogues and schools.

Stop demonstration in Vienna too

And France is neither the first nor the only one in these hours to ban demonstrations of support for the Palestinians. Also in Austria, the Vienna police banned a pro-Palestinian demonstration, motivating the decision with the slogan ‘From the river to the sea’ used to publicize the protest, considered a call for violence. “It’s basically this: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ a PLO slogan adopted by Hamas,” explained the Austrian capital’s police chief, Gerhard Puerstl.

Palestinian flags banned in Britain

A ban on Palestinian flags comes from the United Kingdom, where waving them after the Hamas attack on Israel “may not be legal” if it is done to show support for acts of terrorism. The issue was raised in London by the British Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, who in a letter sent to the police chiefs of England and Wales in which she urged officers to use “the full force of the law” against demonstrations of support to Hamas after its unprecedented attack on Israel. For Braverman, waving pro-Palestinian or pro-Hamas symbols and chanting anti-Israeli slogans could constitute violations of public order.

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