arsonist would have threatened to kill his ex-wife and their children

by time news

With a broken voice, her hands shaking and her eyes on the verge of tears, Javier Alejandro, only 10 years old, He narrated how his father has tormented their lives during the last year, to the point of burning down the house where he, his 13-year-old brother and his 15-year-old sister live with their mother, Yasmín Flores, in Monclova.

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The little one could see how Juan Antonio “N” arrived at his house on Francisco Murguía street in the Margarito Silva neighborhood, in Monclova, with the intention of bothering his mother, but this time he set the entire house on fire.

“My dad entered through the window, he said he was going to force himself in if we didn’t open it, I ran out and came to tell my aunt, my brother was inside.”

“It’s been about ten times since he’s been like this, he hasn’t hit me, he’s just threatened to kill us, he says that if we agree with mom he’s going to kill us and that he’s going to kill us anyway, he told me that.”

Even when Juan Antonio “N” had three complaints against him for family violence as well as a restraining order to not be able to get close to his ex-partner and his 10, 13 and 15-year-old children, he did not measure the consequences and burned all his belongings.

Neighbors of the neighborhood witnessed that before the fire that occurred on Thursday, February 9, Juan Antonio “N” began to bother Yasmín, she was waiting for a bus because she would carry out some paperwork and there he threatened her with death and told him that he would end his life, that he was going to burn it.

She continued on her way and that was when Juan “El loco” as he is known took the opportunity to enter her house and even when they were his children alone began to set everything on fire.

“The experts are investigating to see what the cause was, but if we imagine that he used something because it was like in 15 minutes that the house was completely consumed, everything was consumed, pure ashes remained, practically nothing was left.said a neighbor who requested anonymity.

Yasmín is a native of the state of Puebla, had approximately 16 years of marriage with Juan Antonio “N” but about a year ago she abandoned him, because he began to become aggressive due to a strong crystal addiction.

His demeanor completely changed. before the consumption of this drug, tEvery time he started hitting her no matter who was present.

Came to “slapping her, hitting her hard and even dragging her” in front of the neighbors.

Sometimes it had to request support from paramedics for their children who, upon seeing the violence that their mother lived in the hands of their father presented emotional crises.

“As we all know in all femicides this is how it happens, they start with one thing and end with this or with something worse, we are afraid that this will end in a femicide.”

“It’s lost that they lock him up for a while and gain awareness so that something stronger against it is avoided,” expressed the residents of the place.

For now only the family of your ex-partner supports you and will now give you asylum while you can recover from this loss, they request support from citizens to help them with furniture or clothes for their children, since working in a local company has in their She plans to process her Infonavit credit and buy a house for her three children.

It should be noted that this event occurred in Monclovajust one day after a man allegedly beat to death and subsequently burned his wife, in his housing in the Bellavista neighborhood of the municipality of Saltillo.

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