by time news

2023-12-01 10:21:54

ART AGAINST SEXIST VIOLENCE – SO MANY WOMEN IN ONE. LA NAU, UV, Valencia. From November 30, 2023 to February 18, 2024.

Commissioner: Semiramis González

A verse by one of the most recognized Valencian poets, María Beneyto, gives the title to this exhibition, based on her poem “Criatura multiple”, in which she delves into herself and her diversity, her strength and her vulnerability.

In the context of November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, this exhibition presents works from different art collections in which the denunciation of sexist violence or the demand for women’s freedom have been protagonists. . According to United Nations data, one in three women has suffered some type of gender violence, and every 11 minutes a woman or girl is killed by a family member in the world.

This project seeks to build an exhibition story with a clear position of denunciation against sexist violence and will be made up of a wide selection of works from various private collections (Pilar Citoler, Inelcom, DKV…) and, very especially, works belonging to the collections heritage of the Valencian public universities: Universitat d’Alacant, Universitat Miguel Hernández, Universitat Jaume I, Universitat Politècnica de València and Universitat de València.

The exhibition is divided into four thematic axes that address violence against women from different areas:

End gender violence

The exhibition starts with this first thematic area: “Ending gender violence.” In this space we find works whose reading can be done from the perspective of making gender violence visible and denouncing it. The works present here speak of sexist violence in a broad way, some very subtle. Spaces that harbor violence such as homes, the press, social norms that condemn women, or the physical trace of violence, are some of the issues that we read in the works of these artists.

Women are not weapons of war

This area gives prominence to a type of violence that women suffer and that is often silenced due to the context in which it occurs. In any armed conflict, in addition to the violence suffered by anyone in society, women suffer a type of violence specific to their gender. As published by Amnesty International (according to United Nations data), girls are 90% less likely to have access to education than boys in conflict zones, in addition to being victims of child marriages, slave labor or being recruited as girl soldiers.
This area attempts to make visible the gender perspective necessary to apply when we talk about armed conflicts and wars, and how these affect women in a differentiating way.

Against sexist stereotypes

This area presents a reading of very diverse works that try to come together based on the importance of making sexist stereotypes visible in the visual field. Fashion, cinema, advertising or art have served to reproduce an unrealistic model of women, often linked to a domestic and traditional vision or a sexualizing and objectifying vision. In this way, the works included here denounce or make visible how important it is to break these sexist stereotypes visually in order to be able to imagine more egalitarian realities for women.

Resilience and survival

Compared to the three previous areas where violence against women was made visible in multiple forms (gender violence, sexism and visual stereotypes, women as a weapon of war), this is the space dedicated to resilience and survival. A space for recovery, to reclaim the path to overcoming violence and a more just and kind future for women. Resilience is the ability to adapt to a disturbance or an adverse situation, but also the possibility of surviving that pain, not to return to a previous state but to a new one, stronger, more sustained over time and more lasting. once the violence is over. The artists present in this area tell us about different forms of healing and improvement.

Sections and artists:

End gender violence

Concha Jerez – New Pilar Citoler Collection

Estefanía Martín Sáenz – UV Collection

Sandra Gamarra – INELCOM Collection

Alessandra Spranzi – INELCOM Collection

Isabel Oliver – UPV Collection

Nuria Rodríguez – UPV Collection

Julia Galán – UJI Collection

Maribel Domènech – UV Collection

Women are not weapons of war

Carmen Calvo – New Pilar Citoler Collection

Doris Salcedo – New Pilar Citoler Collection

María Carbonell – UV Collection

Gabriela Bettini – DKV Collection

Núria Güell – DKV Collection

Art al Quadrat – UMH Collection

Ana Teresa Ortega Aznar – UV Collection

Mª Jesús González / Patricia Gómez – UV Collection

Against sexist stereotypes

Sanja Iveković – Nueva Colección Pilar Citoler

Mavi Escamilla – UV Collection

Sophie Calle – INELCOM Collection

Ángela García Codoñer – UMH Collection and UPV Collection

Maruja Mallo – UV Collection

Ingrid Lozano – University of Alicante

Resilience and survival

Soledad Córdoba – New Pilar Citoler Collection

Marina Vargas – New Pilar Citoler Collection

Isabel Villar – UV Collection

Marina Núñez – DKV Collection

Hanna Jarzabek – UJI Collection

Maria Maria Acha-Kutscher – University of Alicante

Úrsula Ochoa – University of Alicante

Päivi Koskinen – University of Alicante

The installation complements the project INDIGNATED where the artist María María Acha-Kutscher makes visible the current protest activism of women.


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