Art, Julio Larraz Foundation donates the work Incipit to the Third Pillar-International Foundation

by time news

2023-06-17 13:02:11

Thanks to the success of the recent retrospective ”The Allegory of Dreams” at the Venice branch of the Contini Art Gallery, which represents him in Italy, the relationship between the Cuban-born Maestro Julio Larraz and the Belpaese is increasingly strengthening . A further element is represented by the donation of the work Incipit, an oil on canvas, by the Julio Larraz Foundation to the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale in Rome, with which the artist crowns a personal wish, as proof of the esteem for the activities of the Foundation, chaired by Prof. Avv. Emmanuele FM Emanuele. The Maestro thus celebrates a partnership that was affirmed on the occasion of the unforgettable exhibition “Of the sea, the air and other stories”, organized with the support of the Third Pillar Foundation, by the will of its President Prof. Emanuele, in March 2014 in Catania.

”Since then I have maintained the desire to give you one of my works, a desire postponed due to the twists and turns of transfers and the inevitable, not always controlled course of life’s events. Despite this, I have expressed this thought to my staff for two years and the time has come to be able to materialize it.”, writes Julio Larraz in the letter addressed to the President.

The Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale, a non-profit organization under private law, is the result of an important process, wanted by the President Prof. Avv. Emmanuele FM Emanuele, aimed at rationalizing and structuring the multifaceted activities of the realities merged into it, which belong to to the two original strategic directions of intervention: the non-profit – defined by Prof. Emanuele in his book on the subject “The Third Pillar. The non-profit engine of the new welfare” – and the urgent issues inspired by the observation of what is happening even outside the Western world.

The Foundation has progressively extended its operations from Italy to the Middle and Far East, maintaining its presence in the historical and priority sectors of intervention. The statutory intervention sectors in which the Third Pillar Foundation operates are: Healthcare and scientific research applied to it, Assistance to weak social categories, Education and Training, Art and Culture. The evocative title of the masterpiece donated by Maestro Larraz to the Foundation, Incipit, evokes the traditional Latin formula that introduces the title of a literary work. In this framework, Julio Larraz takes up some of his favorite themes. Framed by an interior view, the represented subject does not occupy a clear position in the setting of the painting which takes us into a surreal world, between immobile and suspended atmospheres and upside down points of view and unexpected shots.

Prof. Avv. Emmanuele FM Emanuele commented on the donation as follows: “I was very pleased to learn that the Maestro had decided to donate the work entitled Incipit to the Foundation: in fact, it perfectly embodies the dreamlike atmospheres that are the distinctive feature of his artistic production, much appreciated by me since I had the opportunity to admire it for the first time. I am sure that Incipit will become a work of undisputed importance within the Foundation’s Collection.”.

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