art, music and paths in the name of water

by time news

2023-09-04 17:24:57

After the success of the past editions, the ‘Gecko’ returns to Spina, a festival dedicated to the great changes of our time which this year offers ‘Gecko Drops’, an entire day of information and entertainment dedicated to water. Appointment on Saturday 9 September in the Castello di Spina and at the Rocca Benedettina di Sant’Apollinare in Marsciano (PG) with a non-stop event, from morning to evening, including workshops, ‘theatrical interpretation’ of books, screening of documentary films, photographic exhibitions, musical performances, guided tastings and nature trails to discover the most precious resource for life.

‘Gecko Drops’ is the first in a series of events that will continue in 2024 until the sixth edition of the Festival with the aim of continuing to tell the story of the planet and our relationship with it through a format that stages the interaction and affinities that exist between Science and Art, between knowledge and emotion, between proven truth and amazement, for a culture that is more attentive and aware of the environment and its resources. Starting with water, from which the title Gecko Drops takes its inspiration, a resource that we tend to take for granted while its availability, now greatly endangered, requires us to give it back a leading role.

The Gecko Drops day starts at 9, departure from Migliano for ‘La Via dell’Acqua’, trekking along the Fersinone stream. The itinerary is organized in collaboration with the expert guides of Le Storie di Loz. In the Castello di Spina at 10.30 the appointment is with the workshop ‘Many little Hummingbirds’, a title inspired by the Hummingbird of an ancient story of the Quechua people in Peru who, one drop at a time, helped with that small gesture to extinguish the great forest fire. A meeting of knowledge and dissemination of the many issues that revolve around the world of water: from new technologies to global policies, from scientific discoveries to the culture of designed civilizations, such as landscapes, from water resources to the use of water in today’s production systems and in our lifestyles. Speakers Chiara Biscarini, CoChair of the Unesco Chair in Management of Water Resources at the University for Foreigners of Perugia; Marco Merola, Journalist and scientific communicator, author of the webdoc; Eleonora Mariano, Pefc Italy project manager; Chiara Cochetta, manager of drinking water systems management – Umbra Acque; Maurizio Bacci, environmental engineer and photographer.

At 12 inauguration of the naturalistic and perceptive photographic exhibition ‘Sinfonia in Acqua’ by Maurizio Bacci: 60 works selected for this occasion among the thousands created during his many years of exploration experience, a survey document and an artistic work of aesthetic fruition. ‘Perle d’acqua dolce’, at 1.30 pm, is a guided tasting of Trasimeno products, from the typical fish products of the Umbrian lake that continue to characterize the local gastronomic offer, to the agricultural products of the area. The tasting, which also renews the ‘Umbria Biodiversity’ format in this edition, is curated by Valentina Dugo of the Avo Consortium, in collaboration with the Agri-food Technology Park of Umbria, the Trasimeno Fishermen’s Cooperative, the Duca della Corgna Winery, the Pozzuolese Oil Mill Cooperative .

Throughout the afternoon of 9 September it will be possible to attend the screenings of ‘A World of Water’, a selection of reports and documentaries chosen by Rai Cultura on the occasion of World Water Day promoted by the UN. At 5.30 pm meeting with the actor Blas Roca Rey, author of ‘Il Mondo di Blas’ (Ed. La Mongolfiera), true stories of men and women who have won or even lost their battles but who have left a mark in their own way . Readings performed by Blas Roca Rey and actress Monica Rogledi.

‘Gecko Drops 2023’ will close with ‘Water Music’, a multimedia event of music and images, at 9.30 pm in the Benedictine fortress of Sant’Apollinare. ‘Water Music’ is a show built on over 450 dynamic images where the music of Liszt, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel weaves an intimate and exciting journey into the world of water with electronic sounds and the words of the French geographer and writer Eliseé Reclus . Music performed by Leonardo Ruggiero and Francesco Toninelli, narrator Andrea Costagli.

#art #music #paths #water

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