Artificial intelligence can boost your business

by time news

Upon waking up, the smartphone’s virtual assistant shows the weather forecast, how the traffic is and even shows what your appointments are for the day. You can check and see which emails are most important and need to be read. In addition, the algorithm of social networks points out the content and advertising in a personalized way that is in line with your profile.

It does not stop there. GPS is able to show the best routes to reach the destination faster and safer. If you identified yourself, it’s probably because you’re very familiar with artificial intelligence in your routine and you didn’t even realize it.

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In the imagination of many people, talking about this subject seems like something from a science fiction movie or even a futuristic idea, in which robots face each other and wage war to steal the place of humans. However, from the examples above, you can see that AI is nothing more than a help in our daily lives. And if it already fills our personal life, it is no different in the corporate world.

AI at work

According to McKinsey global research, 8 out of 10 companies are directing their efforts to embrace digital transformation in their business. In addition, the study “Pesquisa Agenda 2023”, by Deloitte, shows that investment in AI will be adopted by 70% of the companies surveyed in 2023. Currently, 20% of organizations said they already use AI resources in their daily lives (14 of these % said they will expand and 6% maintain), while another 20% are still testing tools with the technology and 31% still do not use it, but intend to.

More and more, we will see companies concerned and willing to invest in artificial intelligence in order to leverage their businesses, have help in routine functions of companies and help humans to be more productive.

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence

In recent months, we’ve talked a lot more about AI, as ChatGPT has brought many positives and negatives, becoming the bad guy or the good guy for many professionals. The point is that this tool can add value to many areas of the market if we know how to use it correctly. We need to understand that she repeats patterns, brings the same answer to a question asked more than once and only does what we teach.

So it’s clear that the world of work doesn’t just need artificial intelligence. It is the fully human skills that make a product or a service gain market share. The truth is that it should replace mechanical functions, accelerate research and learning, and leave professionals with the strategic part of the business.

The same Deloitte survey cited above points out that 13% of entrepreneurs say they will apply technology to support customer service. In other uses, 8% intend to increase with a focus on market intelligence, 7% on marketing campaigns, 7% on financial, accounting or tax management, 6% on sales activities, 4% on customer credit analysis, 4% in supplier management and another 4% in operational risk management.

Therefore, as in all technological development there is a period of maturation and a real understanding of its best use, I do not believe that we will reach the moment when machines will dominate the world. For me, this is out of the question. They will never replace human skills. Arguably, we are dependent on technology for many things, but I still prefer human intelligence over artificial intelligence. But, however, however… we can say that AI will be increasingly present in our lives and in companies.

Imagem: shutterstock/Andrey_Popov

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