Artificial intelligence detects early signs of lung cancer before CT scan

by time news

Science is advancing by leaps and bounds in favor of healthan example of this is the tool Artificial intelligence that is able to detect early signs of lung cancereven before being perceptible to a tomography. Just as you read it!

A group of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in the United States, developed a tool for Artificial intelligence which is capable of detecting early symptoms of lung cancer beyond the human eye for a tomography.

What Artificial Intelligence detects lung cancer?

According to an article published by the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO), Sybil, at artificial intelligence tool that detects the lung canceris also capable of predicting the risk of developing this disease in a period of six years.

Artificial Intelligence detects early signs of lung cancer before tomography / Photo: iStock

The information detailed by the academic journal JCO revealed that Sybil managed to detect lung cancer in early stages through an analysis of CT scans low-dose test (LDCT), which were obtained from a previous trial in American and Taiwanese patients.

Once the data is collected, the artificial intelligence tool uses a system of deep learning to analyze the LDCT images to find matches in the lung or predict the risk that a patient may develop this disease without the help of a radiologist.

What tests are done to detect lung cancer?

At present, for detect lung cancer imaging tests that use waves are done noise, X-rays, magnetic fields or radioactive substancesin order to obtain images of the interior of the body, such as the following:

  • chest x-ray
  • computed tomography
  • magnetic resonance imaging
  • Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Bone scintigraphy
  • needle biopsy

Artificial Intelligence detects early signs of lung cancer before tomography / Photo: iStock

The clung canceralso known as the ’emperor of cancers’, is the second type of cancer most common worldwide with around almost 2 million deaths in 2020, describes the World Health Organization (WHO).

Given the impressive numbers, the researchers showed that Sybil achieves C indices of 0.75, 0.81 and 0.80 from the tomography analysiswhich means that the tool has strong performance even though it is still under development.

When is lung cancer curable?

According to information from the American Cancer Societywhen the lung cancer is detected early, there is a 60 percent chance of curing it, as long as it is within the early stagesthat is, when it has not yet done metastasis and it is possible to treat it with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.

Artificial Intelligence detects early signs of lung cancer before tomography / Photo: iStock

So far, Sybil appears to be a promising tool in the fight against lung cancer. Although it is unknown if it will be available for clinical use, the researchers plan to continue working on the tool that detects lung cancer to improve your early detection system.

now that you know what is the tool that detects lung cancer, do you think the artificial intelligence Will it be key to the future of medicine?

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If you want to know more about this type of cancerStay and watch the next video and discover five symptoms of lung cancer that you should never ignore.

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