Artificial Intelligence Helps Radiologists in Pesaro and Fano – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – PESARO, 11 SEPTEMBER – The Pesaro Urbino Local Health Authority (Ast PU) has made experimental artificial intelligence (AI) software available to the Diagnostics department of the Pesaro and Fano hospitals to make the diagnosis of skeletal and chest X-rays more precise. The software will allow radiologists to identify bone damage and lung pathologies on chest X-rays.
This is done by sending the X-ray exams from the company’s Pacs (a medical image storage and transmission system that allows for digital and centralized management of images) to an AI software that will generate results in the form of images (secondary captures), i.e. a summary that summarizes the outcome suggested by the software and a copy of each original image analyzed with additional information. The results are then sent back to the Pacs. All in a time between 60 and 180 seconds.
“The benefits of using this device are both quantitative and qualitative – explains Alberto Rebonato, director of Diagnostic Imaging at the Pesaro and Fano hospitals – It reduces unrecognized lesions by up to 26%, also reducing any medical-legal disputes”, other advantages illustrated are “The reduction in waiting times for patients in the emergency room, as the high negative predictive value guaranteed by software solutions, equal to 99.5%, allows for more efficient patient management, avoiding unnecessary second-level investigations”. Rebonato then specifies that “The radiologist, in any case, remains the only person responsible for the final outcome indicated on the report”. (ANSA).

2024-09-11 13:07:21

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