Artificial intelligence: how it fits into the world of advertising

by time news

In preparation for Pesach, the Mahsnay market chain launched a private brand of kosher wine for the holiday that is fully branded, from the beginning of the process to the end, using two advanced artificial intelligence systems: ChatGPT and Midjourney. The ChatGPT system was entrusted with writing the story of the production of the ADOM COLLECTION boutique wine, which was printed on the label, while the Midjourney system designed the label according to the instructions given by the chain’s marketing division. The entire branding process took several hours.

“The talk about artificial intelligence is now everywhere. One evening we just started doing experiments, researching these tools and saw that it provides solutions that save us a lot of time. Usually, traditional branding processes take weeks or even months,” says Itai Naaman, the marketing director of the Mahsani chain the market “As a network that embraces and encourages the use of breakthrough technologies in the daily routine, it was clear to us that we would also take part in the AI ​​revolution.”

Artificial intelligence campaign of Amelia ice cream. Cannibal Advertising Agency (Photo: Public Relations)

Artificial intelligence campaign of Amelia ice cream. Cannibal Advertising Agency (Photo: Public Relations)

Is wine coming in?

Artificial intelligence, as mentioned, also enters the worlds of advertising and marketing. If so, what will be the future of the professionals in this field in a situation where there are advanced systems that do almost all the work for us? “The new technological tools at our disposal are undoubtedly here to stay. It is definitely a refreshing and fascinating breath of fresh air to build advertising and marketing processes in this way,” says Naaman. “Of course, individual attention by professionals to the depth of the process is still required, but in general it is definitely an alternative that is expected to sweep the retail world on all levels. This was the first time we branded a specific product using artificial intelligence. In our current work we have been using the tools for several months These, mainly at the advertising level, such as all kinds of publications on our Facebook page or in our weekly flyer. Until the wine branding, we mainly used Midjourney for the visuals. We created content, mainly certain words that are important to us, fed them to the artificial intelligence, got some visual results and did Adaptation. We have a commercial appointment and we can make commercial use of the results that the artificial intelligence creates.”

What is the advantage of artificial intelligence over a professional?

“Many times, for example, when we would transfer something for design to graphic artists, it would take them a few hours. Also, when a graphic artist produces something and you don’t see it, a kind of ping pong begins that extends the working time, the working hours, the payment that is paid. Whereas now, Thanks to artificial intelligence, in just a few minutes you can have countless options, countless visuals. As mentioned, this saves manpower, response times, and money, because in the end that manpower costs a lot of money. My life as a department manager, too From the point of view of budgeting manpower hours and mainly in terms of response times, they have become easier. If, for example, we receive a request from the trade or online department and need to provide an advertising response, then within a few minutes we can produce the visual result. Many times it also helps us crack a concept “.

The new wine, a dry red boutique wine from Cabernet Sauvignon varieties in the 2021 vintage, brand as mentioned, fully by artificial intelligence, including the text that appears on the label. “We fed ChatGPT all the values ​​we want to convey, that is, what kind of wine it is, its varieties, how long it was in the barrels, and the artificial intelligence wrote the story that appears on the label,” explains Naaman. “Then we also fed Midjourney the values ​​of the wine, including what kind of bottle it is, what kind of packaging we want, and we got all kinds of options. We chose what was suitable and made really small adjustments until the final result.”

What will happen to the professionals?

“I think our world has gone through many processes and we have always been afraid of where we will be in this process. But in the end we have to know how to embrace these tools, use them as an advantage and not be afraid of them. I think that simply the thought process will be a little different. However, there will still be a need for a human hand. Maybe the graphic artists will be more efficient, will be able to do more actions at the same time.”

Artificial intelligence campaign for Xiaomi. Cannibal Media (Photo: Public Relations)

Artificial intelligence campaign for Xiaomi. Cannibal Media (Photo: Public Relations)

The shock of the future

A few weeks ago, the Hamilton Group, an importer of the Xiaomi brand in Israel, joined the technological trend of using artificial intelligence and came up with a new advertising campaign in collaboration with the advertising agency Cannibal Media, which is entirely based on works of artificial intelligence using the software Midjorney. Surfers cheered in the comments, the AI ​​designed the photos. First, a number of encouraging comments from surfers who wrote on Xiaomi’s Facebook page about purchased devices were selected. The responses were then translated from Hebrew to English for the benefit of Midjorney, who created unique images from the textual descriptions alone. In the end, four images were chosen for the campaign and on them are written the sentences by means of which the visual was actually created.

“Xiaomi is a young, technological brand that is advancing along with the product and technological innovation presented in the world,” says Roni Aharoni, Marketing Director of the Hamilton Group. “It was important for us to show how the brand’s innovation is also reflected in our marketing moves. There is now a lot of talk about artificial intelligence, and we wanted to see how we can be one of the first brands in Israel to make marketing moves using it.”

Roni Aharoni, Marketing Director of the Hamilton Group (Photo: Shay Raz)

Roni Aharoni, Marketing Director of the Hamilton Group (Photo: Shay Raz)

What responses did you get?

“Most of the reactions were very sympathetic, but there were also reactions about what the future holds for us. That is, about this matter that in the future all artificial intelligence platforms will replace the roles of people, such as for example the employees of advertising agencies.”

How about that?

“I think that in the future this will be able to save the big companies a lot of money. If, for example, I am now working with two graphic artists and two advertising agencies, it is possible that in the future I will only need half of the team. But of course it is also important to have a human eye to look at it. From our experience in this campaign, we saw that Very beautiful things, but they still need to be refined with a human mind and a professional eye.”

“A few months ago, when talk about artificial intelligence just started, we immediately started using it for the sake of creating visuals. Before that, we used either customer photographs or photo banks of illustrations,” says Miri Avraham, VP of Limor Crescenti’s public relations office. Today, as part of our service to clients, I create visuals for them to use on social media using the Midjourney software. It pretty much freed me from having to deal with finding pictures, I no longer have to bother and go take pictures or look for pictures. It really makes life easier and there are countless possibilities. A whole new world has opened up from which I create what I want in order to promote the business in a creative way. I enter into the software a detailed command list of how I want the visual to look in the end in order to illustrate the client’s message.”

do you have samples

“For example, for the dermatologist Dr. Monica Allman, I wrote to the software how I wanted a woman’s face to look in the visual that would be received before and after treatment. For the Amelia ice cream parlor in Haifa, we went for a light and young humorous concept. I entered content of a battle between vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream, and I got an appropriate visual. The artificial intelligence not only makes the work easier, but actually allows me to get exactly the message and experience I want to illustrate. Sometimes I use additional editing apps to upgrade the result, but usually manage to get along with what I get. If I enter in detail all the details that are important to me, even in terms of angles, colors, lighting, then the result is perfect.”

Fast or original?

“A few months ago, we introduced artificial intelligence to the curriculum of the digital marketing course,” says Daniel Kahanov, head of the digital marketing course at HackerU and CEO of Personas Media. “First of all, we are looking for the best tools and trends that can help in the marketing processes who are different and want to teach the things that are at the cutting edge of technology. Secondly, of course there is a demand for it. We saw a demand to learn artificial intelligence from customers interested in studying with us. Today, companies and digital agencies are also starting to look for employees who have an understanding of using artificial intelligence tools. We teach how to use artificial intelligence in order to improve the performance of the digital and shorten the time in the execution of menial jobs, such as creating ideas for content and creating ideas for banners in an original and sophisticated way.”

But despite the demand and trends, Kahanov does not think that artificial intelligence will eventually replace the advertiser or the one who deals in the field of marketing. “It will mainly help greatly to improve processes and shorten work times, it will save time in the work of a graphic artist or a marketing manager,” he says.

“The topic of artificial intelligence in the context of advertising and branding is the hottest topic today,” says Uri Obrotsky, an advertiser and innovation lecturer at Netanya Academic College. “The question arises, what will happen to the professions of tomorrow? Because if the artificial intelligence writes all the text and the robots prepare pictures for us automatically, then what will we work on? I claim that it may shorten time, but it does not come in the place of the advertiser. In terms of creating text, what does the system actually do ? refers to the material we feed into it, scans what already exists on the web and creates a friendly answer with link words. It’s nice, it’s a gimmick, but it will be devoid of originality. An original slogan will not be here, because it is simply processing existing data. Whereas I, as an advertiser, invent for you Special gimmicks, ones you’ve never seen before. Artificial intelligence does save us a lot of time, but it won’t be original, because how will innovation come from scanning existing materials? Even after you already have a text ready, you still need someone to go over it, to make proofreads, adjustments “.

Obrotsky adds: “Even if we refer to the creation of visuals by artificial intelligence, we are shortening the process, but not eliminating jobs. We still need a graphic designer to look at the graphics. And what happens if the system automatically creates an illogical image that does not convey the message well in terms of The customer? Is every image created by artificial intelligence really suitable and promoting the product or brand? Not sure. It’s nice, it’s beautiful, but a gimmick is like a gimmick: it might shorten processes, but in the end you’ll still need the professional person, the human eye that you check, that you see that it is appropriate, that the visual is indeed in the spirit of the brand and the company. As mentioned, artificial intelligence may shorten times, but we will still need the professionals”

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