Artificial Intelligence in Schools: A Transformation of Global Education

by time news

2023-12-11 17:14:23

TECH – The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in schools around the world is accelerating, marking a new era. Driven by the United Nations 2030 Agenda with the collaboration of UNESCO, this project aims to transform learning by exploiting the capabilities of AI.

In September 2015, during the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York, Member States formally adopted the 2030 Agenda. It brings together 17 new objectives, including sustainable development specific to education. This objective aims to “ensure quality, inclusive and equitable education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

UNESCO occupies a central position in promoting educational AI in the context of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Participating countries actively commit to investing in education technologies and driving access to education through AI, marking a significant step towards global educational transformation.

China, one of the pioneering countries in educational artificial intelligence

Some countries have already integrated AI into their education systems. China, for example, has implemented AI-based personalized learning programs. The government has invested heavily, including through tax breaks and other incentives, in tools such as the adaptive tutoring platform Squirrel AI, which rely on large-scale datasets and camera monitoring.

In Kumamoto, Japan, robots are being used to combat truancy. Students can use devices from home to remotely control robots representing them at school. This process allows them to participate in classes and discussions despite increasing absenteeism rates linked to anxiety and bullying.

Across the Channel, a school, Cottesmore School, has appointed an artificial intelligence robot, Abigail Bailey, as head principal. Developed in collaboration with an AI specialist, this robot assists the school’s principal, Tom Rogerson, by providing advice on various aspects, from personnel management to drafting school policies, operating in a similar way to ChatGPT.

MIA Second in France from 2024

Other countries are also investing heavily in AI teacher preparation programs and national curriculum requirements. Singapore recently announced a national initiative to develop AI literacy among students and teachers to ensure they understand the risks and benefits of the technology. By 2026, training on AI in education will be offered to teachers at all levels, including those in training.

South Korea also allocates substantial resources for student preparation. By 2025, the country aims to integrate AI lessons into its national curriculum at all school levels, starting with high school. The Keris Unit of the Korean Ministry of Education is designing and piloting a large teacher training program in AI and other technologies. The ministry’s Future of Education Center features model classrooms where visitors can experience the use of cutting-edge technology in teaching.

From the start of the 2024 school year, in France, National Education will introduce MIA Seconde, an artificial intelligence tool to personalize the learning of French and mathematics in high school. This initiative, announced by the Minister of Education Gabriel Attal on Tuesday December 5, 2023, represents a new milestone in the French education system.

Restriction of freedom of thought

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into schools raises ethical concerns, including data privacy, algorithmic bias and over-reliance on technology. In addition to these concerns, the use of AI in education carries risks related to single-mindedness and restriction of freedom of thought.

AI systems can tend to standardize learning, introduce cultural biases, restrict intellectual diversity and influence opinion by manipulating it. This orientation toward conformity raises concerns about students’ ability to develop critical thinking skills and question the information presented.

The agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on the regulation of artificial intelligence in Europe, called AI Act, Friday December 8 in Brussels, could potentially pose additional limits. By requiring stricter safeguards from developers, regulation could encourage a convergence of thought instead of promoting diversity.

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