Artificial Intelligence Reveals Shocking Secrets

by time news

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, but sometimes the advances can be unsettling. Have you ever wondered if an artificial intelligence could reveal your deepest secrets just by looking at your face? Well, a psychologist from Stanford UniversityMichal Kosinski, claims to have developed an AI capable of doing just that. Kosinski claims his AI can detect a person’s intelligence, sexual preferences and political leanings with surprising accuracy. But what does all this mean for our privacy and civil liberties?

The Facial Recognition Revolution

Facial recognition is at this point a technology widespread and, according to Kosinski, the implications of his discoveries are critical. In a world where our image can be captured anywhere, from social media to security cameras, the work of Kosinski raises serious ethical questions. Could this technology become a double-edged sword?

Kosinski rejects the idea that his research is a modern version of phrenology, an 18th and 19th century pseudoscience century who was trying to connect facial features to mental traits. contrarysees his work as a warning to politicians about potential dangers of such research. But we cannot ignore the fact that even the simple publish These studies may inspire new tools of discrimination.

An alarming accuracy

In a study published in 2021, Kosinski developed a facial recognition model that could predict a person’s political beliefs. persona with an accuracy of 72% simply analyzing a photo of the face, against 55% accuracy of humans. This immediately raises the question: how much we can trust us this technology?

The consequences of facial recognition

While Kosinski says his research should be seen as a warning, the practical applications may seem like a real “Box of Pandora”. The idea that someone could be identified and judged by their facial appearance is disturbing. Also, although the models are not 100% accuratecan still lead to significant injustices.

In 2017, Kosinski co-published a paper on a facial recognition model that could predict the orientation sexual with an accuracy of 91%. This studio has been harshly criticized by organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD, which they have called the research “dangerous and flawed” because it could be used to discriminate against queer people.

Artificial Intelligence: real examples of abuse

There is no shortage of examples of abuse of facial recognition. From the cases of Rite Aid that unfairly targeted minorities From thieves to Macy’s wrongly accusing a man of a violent robbery he didn’t commit, technology has already caused real harm.

You feel uncomfortable at the idea that a machine can know so much about you just by looking at you? It’s a disturbing thought, right? This kind of technology forces us to think seriously about how we protect our privacy and our civil rights.

As technology advances, we must be vigilant. We cannot let the innovation surpasses our sense of ethics and justice. What kind of future do we want to build? It is up to us, as a society, to set boundaries and protect what is most precious: our humanity.

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