Artificial sun Artificial sun invented by China … screaming countries ..!

by time news

The discovery of this artificial sun, which shines for 17 consecutive minutes at a temperature of 70 million degrees Celsius, has taken the world by surprise.

China, First Published Jan 9, 2022, 4:51 PM IST

China has once again proved that they have no hunger for innovation. China has discovered an artificial sun that is 5 times hotter than the natural sun. The discovery of this artificial sun, which shines for 17 consecutive minutes at a temperature of 70 million degrees Celsius, has taken the world by surprise.Artificial sun invented by China ... screaming countries ..!

China, which has been involved in a project to create an artificial sun called ‘East’ since 1999, has spent up to 70 lakh crore rupees on it. This artificial sun, which in the early days produced very little heat for only a very short time, was gradually developed by Chinese scientists and a few days ago produced a temperature of 70 million degrees Celsius.

It is 5 times hotter than the sun. This temperature lasted for another 17 minutes. Solar energy is usually generated by nuclear fusion. The central part of the Sun produces one and a half billion degrees Celsius heat by combining hydrogen nuclei with helium. It has benefited mankind in many ways.

Artificial sun invented by China ... screaming countries ..!
China’s artificial solar project to produce clean energy has received worldwide acclaim. Some countries have expressed their fears that China is more likely to use the scheme for malicious purposes.

Last Updated Jan 9, 2022 4:51 PM IS


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