Arturo Char resigned from his seat in the Senate to defend himself in the Aida Merlano case

by time news

Al Senator of Radical Change Arturo Char Chaljub the scandal of the fugitive Aida Merlano and is being investigated for the case of corruption of buying and selling votes; therefore, in the last hours He decided to resign his seat to defend himself in the upcoming judicial process.

Char, in a statement, points out that “The decision was made in order to be able to face the legal process that is ahead of me, without interfering with the political activity of the country until proven innocence regarding the accusations against me and my family.”

In the same way, the congressman indicated that the political participation that he and the Char clan have had “corresponds to a full conviction of building a better country and consistent with this mission, our primary economic activity is focused on business where I will continue to have participation ”.

In addition, he stressed that he will continue working from any field to build the country, “as I have been doing for the last 17 years as a senator of the Republic.”

His resignation was approved by the board of directors and they already have a replacement for him, who will be the Huilense leader Carlos Julio González.

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